Chapter 25: Embarrassment

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Joanna's POV:

I got off of my bed and directly went to the bathroom. I didn't know how to face him. He must have forgotten about last night. I know he didn't go far but damn, I liked his touch. I liked the way he pulled me close, I liked the way he kissed. Well, not on my lips though. My bad.

But, hey- he didn't kiss me. It's called love bite, right? Oh god, how I'm gonna face him now- I kept mumbling to myself. My cheeks turning into pink just by remembering his touch. I love him and I want him to love me too.

I started taking my shower. Damn, I forgot my clothes outside. It's all your fault, Byun Baekhyun. You make my heart beats crazy.

Baekhyun's POV:

Damn it. She is not gonna hate me for last night, right? I wasn't in my senses but I wish I was. I wanna know how she felt when I touched her. I wanna know how she reacted when I kissed her.

No. I want to kiss her when I'm in my senses. Shit- I cursed under my breath. I am whipped.

Baekhyun, wake up from your dream. You're just a deal for her, nothing else. I shrugged my thoughts as I left the room.

I left a concealer beside her dress. I just hope she hide the marks I left on her skin. Oh god, I can't help it- whenever I'm thinking about marking her, a smile is automatically forming on my face. I left the room so that I don't have to face her for now.


Joanna's POV:

As I came out of the bathroom, there was no one in the room. Baekhyun left already. I thanked my luck and dressed up in a hoodie and sweatpants.

Baekhyun left a concealer beside my makeup kit. He wants me to hide the marks. I was hurt but I understand his situation also. Even though I didn't want to hide the mark, I couldn't embarrass him also.

I tried to hide the mark as much as possible. I looked into the mirror and headed to the door after making sure that the mark was no longer on the show.

Baekhyun was the first person I came across once I entered the dining room. I looked away. I'm just too shy to face him now.

Joanna, dear what took you so long? We are starving. Come on, let's have our breakfast- Lay dragged me with him and made me sit between him and Xiumin oppa.

Kai and Sehun just groaned. They wanted me to sit with them. Chanyeol laughed at their situations.

I don't know why, but ever since I told Xiumin oppa and Lay that I'm married, they just don't let me sit with Kai or Sehun. Xiumin oppa and Lay always interfere whenever I want to hang out with them

It's not like I am going to fall in love with either of them. I've always dreamt and loved Baekhyun. No way, I  would let this only chance I have to make him mine.

I shrugged my thought and ate my breakfast. I'm full- I said, patting on my stomach.

Yah! You ate my portion also- Xiumin oppa said with a pout. You always do this, it's become more like a habit of yours Joanna- Xiumin oppa tried to give me an angry face.

Oppa, I was hungry- I said while doing aeygo.

Y-you always do this Joanna- Xiumin oppa said with a pout.

It's because it really works on you- I said and started pinching his cheeks. Just then, my phone started ringing.

Everybody looked at me skeptically. Not because the ringtone was a song by Exo, but because my ringtone is set on Baekhyun's part. Everybody gave me skeptic look without Suho oppa, Xiumin oppa and Lay. They gave me a devilish grin.

Ugh. I tried so hard not to face Baekhyun, but in the end it got worst. I looked up and our eyes met. He was smiling proudly. Or is it just my dream?

I picked the phone quickly and there it goes again.

What do you want now Leon?- I said roughly. It never bothered him.

Hello to you too little sister. How are you? Where are you?- Leon bombarded me with questions.

I giggled. I love my brother and sisters  a lot. It just that, I am a loser when it comes to expressing my emotions to them.

I'm fine and I'm in the dorm right now. And don't ask me so many questions- I said in a soft tone.

No matter what, I know my brother loves me dearly. I can't be so mean to him, even though I'm rude to him sometimes. It's because I love my brother and it's my way to show him that I care.

OK. Let's meet up little sister. Ailee and Sohee also wants to meet you- Leon said cutely.

Yeah, I was also thinking about meeting you guys. I miss you all. Let's meet now. Come to the dorm. I'm here with the boys- with that I ended the call.


Third Person's POV:

W-what? You did what?- Suho asked Baekhyun while holding in his laughter.

Hyung, stop doing so. I know, you want to laugh. I was just not in my senses then- Baekhyun defended.

After they finished their breakfast, Baekhyun told everything to Suho that had happened the previous night. He just wanted to rely on someone.

You messed up big time, Baekhyun- Suho said chuckling. But do you regret though?- Suho asked in a serious tone.

No. I hate her for forcing me into this marriage thing but I don't regret about anything that happended last night. I-i actually cherished it- Baekhyun said in a calm tone.

Baekhyun, you don't realize your true feelings, do you? How can you hate her but like the things you did to her at the same time?- Suho asked softly. At this moment, he was certain that Baekhyun actually has feelings for his wife. He is just denying that.

W-what do you mean hyung? True feelings? About what?- Baekhyun asked confusedly.

Nothing. I hope you don't regret later. I hope you sort out your true feelings for Joanna before it's too late- Suho said and left him behind.

Why Will I regret?- Baekhyun mumbled to himself. He is not in love with Joanna, is he?

Wow. Baekhyun really did so- Xiumin asked surprisedly after hearing everything from Suho.

Yeah, you know Baekhyun can't handle drinking alcohol- Suho tried to defend him.

Seriously? He is so much in love with her but he can't just figure it out- Lay said sadly.

Yeah. We need to help him out. He is stupid enough not to know his own feelings- Suho said with a soft chuckle.

They heard a footsteps and turned around, seeing the angelic face they were talking about.

Yah! Oppa. I was looking for you. My brother and sisters are coming. I hope it's ok with you guys- Joanna asked calmly.

Joanna, you're family and so are they. We are happy that your siblings are coming to meet you but don't forget about us- Suho oppa said with his angelic smile.

Lay, you wanna die- Joanna I said, smacking him on his chest. He was teasing her about her ringtone earlier.

I-I'll leave first- Joanna said, leaving the place. She was embarrassed to face anyone of them.

She was thinking about how will she face Baekhyun now.

He must be having the fun of his life. Baekhyun, you Jerk- Joanna groaned.

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