Mystic Grill

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-Hanna's POV:
"Okay," I say to Noel, "remember your name?"

"Yes, Todd Wright."

"Yes, and I'm..."

"Tara Wright."

"Yes! You remembered! This is important to remember!"

"I won't forget, but why siblings? We can't make out."

"Oh! I almost forgot! Then I'll be Tara Payne."


We get out of the car and enter the Mystic Grill. Really? Can't anyone be original around here? Then I couldn't help but overhear a conversation, that sparked my interest.

"Klaus could be anywhere at anytime. We need backup, and what's that stench?" a dark haired man says.

"I smell it too," blondie states.

"I've never smelt it before, it stinks," I smirk at that statement, "so back to Klaus." I then realize that the blondie in Caroline Forbes. My best friend. I walk over to them and I say,


"Oh my gosh! Tara!"

"Tara," Noel complains, "you blew our cover."

"Let's not change our names then," I add. Then I study the group, "hey Elena, Jeremy, Bonnie, and Tyler. Ooh! Where's Matt, and who are you three?"

"I'm Damon Salvatore," the guy from before adds, "this is my brother Stefan," he points to a guy with hair like that bloodsucker.

"Elijah Mikaelson," a guy with cool hair introduces himself.

"I'm Tara Forbes, and this is my boyfriend, Noel Kahn."

"Damn, I was hoping you were single," Damon adds.

"Me and vampires," I whisper, "don't get along well."

"What are you," he asks.

"I'm a shapeshifter," I whisper.

"Interesting," Eli adds. Yeah, I'm gonna call him Eli.

"So... Who's Klaus. Is it Santa Klaus?"

"No, he's an original hybrid. What are you?"

"Werewolf," says Noel.

"Oh! I've heard of him," I say at the same time Damon murmurs, "not more werewolves."

"You have," asks Care, "we should talk about this at Stefan's house."

"Okay," I say.

"Off to Stefan's house," Care adds.

Thanks for reading! Sorry the chapters have been short! Until next time cookies!
-Ashley :)

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