New Friends

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I trudged along the thick carpeted halls behind my chattering family, looking for room 506.
As we walked along the halls, I turned to see a boy who looked to be my age with dark brown hair and light blue eyes, playing on his DS while following some preppy dressed people that each bore slight resemblances to him.

My parents had finally found room 506 and by some odd coincidence, the boy happened to be with his family in room 507.
"Nice shirt.", I said.
The boy looked up from his game. He was wearing a Doctor Who aka the best show ever shirt. His face broke into a grin.
"Thanks. I'm Taylor."
I nodded.
"I'm Mari."
We started chatting about Doctor Who and what not until my devil spawned mother called me to come unpack the room.
"Gotta go. She-demon's calling.", I said apologetically.
Taylor laughed.
"See ya around.", he said before dashing off to join his own family.
Maybe the cruise wouldn't be so bad.

I spoke to soon.

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