Chapter One

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     The lights dimmed hidding the men gathered around a sold black table. Music with loud heart raising beats blasts through speakers as half naked women walk around on a stage. Some dance in front of groups on a pole.
    "20,000" Mr.dragneel pushes many assorted chips into the center of the table. "I'm not throwing in 20,000. How about I throw in one of my lead girls? She'll make a lovely addition to your mansion." Mr.Fullbuster cocks his head as he rubs the corners of his worn cards. The other man sits silently as they wait to see if the pink haired man accepts. The silence remains for a good two minutes. Until he spoke up, "Alright, its a deal." Mr. Dragneel stares at his hand with a blank expression. Mr.Fullbuster reaches into his pocket and pulls out a paper, he stares at it for a brief minute then looks at Mr.Dragneel," (y/n) what a lovely women, she'd make a nice maid." He signs the paper and places it dead center. The men all began to doubt there hand and fold. Gray lays his cards down. Mr.Dragneel does the same.
                     *       *      *
        "Good morning Mr.Dragneel, Ms. Scarlet is down in the lobby shall I make some tea?" Asked the maid in a skin tight black and white dress. "Yes,Lucy." The maid by the name of Lucy exits the room and shuts the oak door behind her. Mr.Dragneel throws his covers off and steps out of bed. The sunlight peers through the window, and shows his muscles and crevices. His nude body gleams. He walks to his bath room and immediately steps into the shower which is already turned on. His suit hung nicely on the door.

                    *      *      *
     "Good morning Ms.Scarlet. Please step into my office." Mr.Dragneel walks into a room which a man with black hair holds open. Once both, Mr. Dragneel and Ms.Scarlet enter the room the buff man shuts the oak doors and stands guard. "Morning Ms.McGarden" The man says to a short women walks by. "Oh Gajeel, Please call me Levy." She says as a smile forms on her face. She begins to blush then clutches her books and walks away. A average height blonde walks up to the doors pushing a cart, a white with blue decor China set sat on the top. A curtain covered the bottom of the cart which contains plates and napkins. Three cups were on the top. The blonde began pouring a cup of the tea. "Morning Ms.Heartfelia. Two sugars would be splendid." Gajeel says. She hands him the small cup.
         She opens the door to the room. "Commander Gildarts will love this new armor line." Ms.Scarlet practically shouts. "Nice to hear." Mr.Dragneel signs a paper and hands it to Ms.Scarlet. "I'll take 305 uniforms, when shall they be shipped?" Ms.Scarlet asks. "Next Saturday sound appropriate?" He asks the ruby haired woman. "That'll due just nicely." She exclaims. "Um.. Ms.Scarlet.." The maid begins to speak. "Yes,what is it??" She glances at the blonde. "How are the childern?" She asks. "Oh, there great they miss there father but he'll be back soon." Ms.scarlet explains. Mr.dragneel raises hand and backhands Ms.Lucy. "please do not speak to my clients." Lucy walks out shutting the door behind her, knowing exactly what she did wrong. "Well I'm off the clock till lunch." Lucy lights a cigarette and places it in her mouth. "Damn things will kill you." Gajeel states. "Hopefully" She smirks and walks away pushing the cart into the kitchen. She blows a poof of smoke and disappears into the dark kitchen. Ms.Scarlet walks out of the room shakes Mr.Dragoneels hand and leaves the house. As she exits a tall blue haired man all nicely dressed walks in with a girl casually dressed walks behind him. "Natsu, Here is my finest (Y/n) you won her fair and square last night. (Y/n) you'll be living here from now on, good day." He states and exits the mansion. "Gajeel!" Mr.dragneel snaps. "Fetch her a new wardrobe, and show her to her room." He shouts as Gajeel approaches. Mr.dragneel touches her face and smiles. "You'll make a lovely maid." With that he turns and walks away.

Mr.Dragneelحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن