18.) Darkness or Light 2

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Tiger: So it been a while since I have updated this story-
Inuyasha: 2 years to be exact
Tiger: 2 years but hey, I'm back with some good news. I was editing a few chapters, not all of them, and then remembered, I never wrote the chapter of Kagome choosing Inuyasha
Inuyasha: Keep talking
Naraku: Please don't
Kagome POV
Both of them were holding their hands out to me, nervously waiting for my respond. I stood there, for god knows how many minutes I've spent, just looking at them without giving  an answer. I never knew I would have to make just an important decision.

I love them both, I won't decline that. No matter how bad that sounds, it's hard to choose who I love more. But, now that I  think about the whole situation more clearly.  Naraku was the one who took me in and treated with just kindness. He trained me. And overtime, he was all that my mind was overflowed with. He made me happy. Wouldn't choosing him be the better choice? I reached for his hand slowly, his eyes shining, but quickly died out when I stopped.

A part of me couldn't afford to choose Naraku. It brought a sharp pain through my heart. Then my eyes locked with Inuyasha's. This whole situation happened because of a huge misunderstanding. I tried countless time to kill him and kill him and all those time, he kept trying to save me. He tried getting me back. There wasn't a time or place where he ever wanted to hurt me. Even when I traveled along with him, I felt warm and safe just being in his arms. I knew that if I stayed by his side, I would be safe and happy. Traveling with him, being with the gang, it is everything I could ever ask for.

I looked down at his hand, and when I grabbed hold of it, I knew that I would give up everything and anything to stay with him and live the rest of my life by his side. His eyes widen in surprise, as I intervened my fingers with his. I smiled at him, as if a huge weight lifted off my shoulder. "I choose you Inuyasha."

Inuyasha, without a moment to lose, pulled me into his arms. My body fit perfectly within his arms and I felt warm and protected, the way it should be. However I couldn't help but notice how hurt Naraku looked.

"Naraku..." I mumbled his name, in hopes he would understand the decision I made and where I was coming from. All this time I was living under the impression Inuyasha, the one person I care about, betrayed me and the only way I could live in peace was if I rid myself off him. And yet that concept was pointless to me now.

Because I am in peace.

With Inuyasha


"Naraku, please understand-" I tried to explain myself, my side of the story however he gave me one last painful smile and disappeared, leaving only a trace of his poison insects. I knew no matter who I chose, I would end up hurting one of them.

"Do you want to go after him..." Inuyasha mumbled, barely loud enough for me to hear him but I caught on.

I caressed his cheek and smiled. "The one I chose was you Inuyasha." I leaned in closer to him. "And I wouldn't trade you, this moment for anything." I whispered as my lips touched his. I felt time stop as he returned my kiss, running his fingers through my hair.

"Look Sango! I found Inuyasha-AH my eyes." A voice was heard from the distance. We broke free as we turned over to a flustered fox, who closed his eyes the minute he saw us kiss. Sango followed behind Shippo, with her mouth open. While Miroku was by her side, impress.

"Im assuming your back." Miroku winked over at Inuyasha who blushed in embarrassment and looked away.

My cheeks were a bit red being caught by my friends but after a long time, I was happy I could reunite with them in good terms. "Kagome!" Shippo ran into my arms as I picked him up and cuddled him.

"Im so sorry." I apologized, tears falling down my cheeks. I was so happy to see them.

"Its okay Kagome." Sango reassured me with so much kindness that I didn't deserve.

"I was in this revenge path that I took it out on you guys as well. And I don't think I could ever forgive myself for it." I kept crying like a baby, using Shippo as a shield to hide my crying.

"You have no reason to blame yourself." Sango said, as Miroku looked around, noticing there was no sign of Naraku.

"Where is he?"

"He-" I paused for a second. "I bet we will see him soon, afterall." I pulled out the necklace with a almost full sacred jewel. "I have his jewel." I laughed.

Inuyasha blinked. "You...are a generous."

"Kagome! Kagome! Please tell me you have those noodles thingy left over. I miss them." Shippo sniffed as I smiled.

"Actually, in matter of fact, I do." I laughed. "But at the village."

"Yay! Sango did you hear that." Shippo jumped from my arms and ran towards Sango as I went to follow him but I was stopped by a large hand. I looked over to see Inuyasha pull me into a kiss.

"I love you."

Yep, I wouldn't trade this for anything."
Inuyasha: *silence*
Naraku: *silence*
Tiger: Sooooo
Inuyasha: ...Why didn't I get to punch Naraku still?
Tiger: You are so ungrateful! No wonder Kagome chose Naraku first!
Inuyasha: *glares*
Tiger: *glares back*

A/N: I hope you enjoyed the version of Kagome choosing Inuyasha. Im not sure if I should write a preview about their life as a couple for both side. Let me know if I should. Also let me know which version you liked better! Personally I loved both so I can't make up my mind. Thank you for reading Betrayal and for all your support!

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