Being an Outcast is Fine! As Long as I can Hate You...

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I flung myself at her with a grunt but got pulled back by some stupid geeks.

"Wow, get a hold of yourself, you remind me of myself, oh sorry, you can't be such a cool bitch like me." her annoying laugh and the laughs of the others, underlined the fact that I, Emily  Jade Lawson, was a loser.

I wish I would have at least hit her with my lunch, not the cheerleader next to her...

"Take it or leave it, Emily, you can't have everything, unlike me of course." she indicated at my food, which was sprawled on the dirty ground.

My stomach was screaming for food but I couldn't bend in front of her, neither would I ever eat from the floor!

"If you can have everything, Tiffany, why don't you eat it?" she crinkled her nose, everyone waited for her reply

"Because compared to you, I can afford it, to actually buy food." she applied some lipstick and turned back to me.

"I'm not only here because of my intelligence, I can actually afford this school." A smirk formed on her red lips.

And there it went, the rumor that she spread since my very first day of school, in the Diamond Lane School for Talented or Gifted.

All the people in this school were filthy rich!

Talent was common but cheerleaders just were nothing to me.

Also if dancing around, doing flips or being lifted up and thrown around seemed amazing to some, I personally thought that, that was not a good enough  reason to act like... how they did!

I actually was two people in one.

My father didn't want others to think that he treated me better than others in my school, great job dad, I now am seen as a geek who owns nothing and only got a place in this freaking school because someone saw her intelligence and gave her a scholarship!!!

Actually, my father was the owner of this school, I lived in a (for me) castle and had a quite simple life. Even if I owned so much, my father never wanted me to turn into a good for nothing, so he made me work hard.

He was very cold and strict, I never really experienced a happy moment with him, but he was all I had.

My mother, she ran off when I turned 8 years old. I wasn't really angry of her, just slightly disappointed about that action.

Maybe that's the reason why my father was so serious, he didn't want me to turn into her.

Yet, I knew he loved her very much. The days that I spent with her, she was sweet, loving and bubbly.

Whenever I would ask him about her, he would say that he probably will never stop loving mom and that it was all my fault, for entering this world.

Ever since he told me that, I tried to be a good child. I worked very hard on my grades and talents. I never wished for labeled clothes, I guess I just wished to see him be proud of me and pat my back or something. I had a simple handy and a skateboard.

Being greedy always made him angry, like his secretary.

She actually thought he was interested and told me to show some respect to my future mother. Let's just say, we weren't really buddies...

*                                      *                                            *                                          *

I smirked at Tiffany "Well, at least I have a brain and talent, I don't need money to prove myself, or my body. I'm not a bitch, especially not a cheap one like you." I winked at her and others gasped.

She stood up and wanted to flung herself at me but slipped on the wasted food.

Her friends caught her but she pushed them away.

"Emily Jade Ugly, you will pay for every single word that escapes your lips!" I smiled

"Your parents donate a lot for this school, but they surely don't own it. Especially you don't own it."

She staggered towards me and stopped inches from my face, my breath stayed calm but my heart was racing"But I can still buy people, unlike you, Loser." I crinkled my nose

"If you can afford so much, ever heard of fresh mints?" everybody erupted into cheers and laughs

Some stayed quiet and waited for her come back.

"Well, watch your back, I will always be there." she muttered

"Oh god, how scary! An ugly ghost is waiting behind me! Oh, it's just you!" I covered up my fear, which was building up, every second.

"Hey, Babe, just let that girl be, she's not worth your beauty and attention." I chuckled

"Need your Boy-Toy to rescue you?" I crossed my arms

"At least, I know that there is someone who actually cares and is there for me, you stupid Mutt."

I froze up and bit my lip, sorrow rising up in me.

I tried to come up with something but my mind went blank. I hated that subject, family and friends.

Some were cheering for her, so I just did what I did best.

I ran.

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