Chapter 2

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My mind was drifting away from the lesson again, as I kept staring at Tiffany.

She did seem perfect, yet I knew she was the worst person ever, also if I was the4 only person who noticed it.

It just hurt at times to see someone like her to be so popular and I? I had nobody.

"Miss Lawson, what does mimic mean?" I shut my eyes and clenched my hands.

"Miss Lawson? Please pay attention!" I shot a look at the teacher

"Sorry, I just don't feel so well today. Could you please repeat the question?" the teacher repeated herself but was certainly displeased.

As I answered the question, I caught Tiffany make jokes about me. My heart ached, she was imitating me, after I froze up in the cafeteria.

I hate the day, I accepted her friendship in Primary School. We were real best friends until puberty hit her. I guess opposites attracted us.

"Miss Lawson, you look pale, do you wish to visit the nurse?" I shook my head with a weak smile

"I just worked a little too much yesterday, that's all."

"Fine, so please revise page 35 in your books and I'll see you again after tomorrow." I gathered my things, just like everyone else and left the classroom in a second.

*                                                *                                            *                                                   *

"That was so awesome! I may not have lunch with you, neither do I have many classes with you, but I know when I feel respect towards somebody and I do towards you!" I smiled at my friend.

"It's fine, Lara."

"But that was so super, duper, mega cool!!!" she was jumping around like a small kid.

"I just protected myself and haven't you heard, I lost in the end." she sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Hello!? Earth to Emily, are you crazy!? You spoke back to her! The only ones who ever dared to do so, had to change schools after the shortest time ever!" I just inhaled and flung my bag over my shoulder.

"Maybe I must too, I can't predict the future, Lara. No-one can, if they could, life would be a  boring blob labelled life."

"I know, but you'll be marked into this schools history!" I even would, if I was the biggest outcast ever, I'm the future Principal of this school....

"I rather wouldn't, Lara! All I want is to get good marks, get into a good university and make my father proud. In other words, have a simple teenage life." we exited the school building.

She got into her red mini cooper and waved before driving off at full speed.

I sighed and got onto my skateboard, once I reached the cafe, I got changed and started my shift.

I worked in this new cafe since it opened. 3 days ago.

It seemed quite popular for many. It was very classy and you got some good money too.

Though it was stressfull, I appreciated every penny I received.

We had to wear a uniform but it wasn't a short skirt or anything like-wise, just simple black trousers and a white shirt.

The practical thing was, that it was really comfortable.

"Good day, Emily! I'm going to get a cup of coffee, you want one too?"

"No thanks, could I get a strawberry milkshake though?" she smiled and nodded

"Sure, darling! See ya, when I see ya!" I slipped on my button up shirt and started taking orders.

5 hours until my shift ends!

"Excuse me miss, what's the difference between this- spaghetti and fettuccine?"

"Well- Marc?! What are you doing here?!" I laughed and hugged him

"Sorry, I couldn't find a better excuse. I mean, who doesn't know that fettuccine is a thicker version of spaghetti?"

"Somebody who never ate it, or doesn't have anything to do with food?"

"You and your smart ass comments, I really missed you."

"First of all, I'm not a smart ass and second- oh forget this, I missed you too! How was Cali?"

"Well, everybody knows-" I sighed

"Just kidding, it was cool! We just moved back here, you know what that means?"

"You are attending the same school again?"

"Excuse me miss, I'm waiting!"

"Sorry Marc, I'm back soon!" I stormed to the other customers.

To my dismay, when I returned all that he left was a note.

I'll be waiting for you, after your shift.

See you soon, sweetie!

I smirked and stuffed the note into my pocket.

I hurried into the changing room and grabbed myself another milkshake from the machine. The store got closed behind me but Marc was no where.

"Too bad, he forgot." I muttered.

I pulled my washed out hood over my head and rushed for the limousine around the corner.

"Hi, Michael. Sorry for taking so long, we were busy today." the old man just nodded and drove off.

"So, how was your day, Miss." I smiled at Jack.

"Fine, just a bit stressed. How about you?" "Well, I found out that Michael really is the chess champion of the century."

I watched the chauffeur smile, pleased.

"Here we are, Lady Emily. Should I tell your father you are home, or will you have dinner with him?"

"Please tell him, I'm going to bed now."

"Good Night, Lady Emily. I will tell the maid to wake you up at 6am." I thanked Michael and ran up the steps.

I tripped into my bedroom and shut the door, slipping down against it.

Tears slid down my face as I hugged my knees against my chest.

I scrambled myself up, after an hour and changed into my Pyjamas, right before falling into another awful nightmare.

                      *                    *                       *                      *

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2012 ⏰

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