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Chapter 3 guys! Yay! I hope you like it! Merry December! Unedited.

Isabelle and Zack



The trunk of the tree was rough and pieces peeled of as I traced the lines in the wood. It was an old tree at the edge of our property right in front of our neighbors property.

The neighbors used to be a kind old couple. They used to be Zack's grandparents. That why.... why he was here that one summer.

But they died. The kind old man first, of brain damage, and the sweet old woman next of cancer. Although many people say she died of heart break.

Now a middle aged grumpy man lives there and he always yells at us to shut up even though his dumb old rooster machine wakes all of us up at 5:00 every morning.

The sky turned from blue to pink and orange then to a deep blue as I sat there staring.

My family knows when I need my space. Especially Blake. But Blake doesn't know what's wrong. Neither do Gavin, Garrett, Mason, or Chase.

The boys were at a boys summer camp and Mason and a Chase were too young to remember Zack.

After the accident mom and dad never talked about him. They knew it was a touchy subject.

I was 9 when it happened. Zack was 10.

"Belle!" Zack yelled as I fell.

I shook my head to clear the memory. I had felt more scared in the 3 seconds that I had been falling, then I have ever been in my entire life.

I watched in a daze of pain as Zack scrambled ungracefully down the tall tree.

He was crying when he reached me. The unattractive kind of crying, snot flowing and all.

I could see and faintly hear him screaming, screaming for help. He sounded so broken.

Soon his grandparents and my parents were there. I could only feel pain, horrible pain everywhere in my body.

It wasn't long before black spots had invaded my sight and I could no longer feel, or hear, or see.

When the memory ended I heard sobs. It didn't take me long to figure out where they're coming from.

My cheeks were wet and my eyes were blurry with tears that have yet to fall.

I barely registered the person behind me. I only figured out who it was when they grabbed my hand a pulled me up so I was face to face with them.

"I know how you feel about him but-" I cut my dad off.


"You have no choice in the matter! He's coming and that's that."


"He'll be here tonight."  He said.

"I'll shoot his plane out of the sky."

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