CHAPTER 6- Pee Tin

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Hey guys! I'm writing more because I finished the series I was reading. SIX, ZERO, and ELEMENT were very good books.

I want to give a special shout out to NERDYNHD because they  have been very supportive of my story!

Also if you want to make a cover my offer still stands.



CHAPTER 6- Pee Tin


"Izzy!!!! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake-" I swatted at the person with my hand and found their mouth which I covered with my hand.

"Shut up....." I mumbled shoving them off my bed before burying my face in my fluffy pillow.

Footsteps led away from my room and I sighed contently, thinking foolishly that they had given up.

Very foolishly indeed. It must have slipped my mind that they are my brothers. Evil, dirty, annoying brothers.

So, me being me, I assumed nothing was going to happen.

Five minutes later a high pitched scream echoed from my mouth.

What do you think they did? No it was not a bucket of water. No it was not slime. No it was not a frog.

I jumped out of my bed, nearly in tears, and ran down the stairs towards the kitchen where my mother was talking with Zack.

"Mom!!!" I screamed running into the kitchen.

She took one look at me and yelled, "BOYS!!!!!"

I ran out the door barefoot in short pajama shorts and a crop top, that I had worn to bed.

Once I was at the lake I jumped in and started scrubbing my arms and legs roughly with my hands.

I was crying from fear by the time I was satisfied that there were no more on me.

Spiders. My absolute worst fear. They had dumped an entire fucking bucket of SPIDERS on me!!!

Big black icky spiders had been crawling all over my bed.

I shivered at the mere thought and felt bile rise in my throat.

I pulled my shaking self out of the water and threw up next to one of the large trees near the lake.

My mouth was filled with the icky taste of barf and I wiped my mouth with my wet crop top.

"Oh my god! Jeez Izzy are you alright?" A worried voice asked from behind me.

I shook my head.


I was going to get revenge on the asshole brother that put the spiders in my bed.

It was either Mason or Chase.

Whoever the hell it was, they are a deadman.

"Iz? Come on let's go back home." Gavin said as he pulled me to my feet and guided me back to the house.

"I'm going to kill whoever it was." I spat through gritted teeth.

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