Chapter 67: Gender Reveal

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"Do you want to know the sex?" Dr. Geller asks. Delilah and I have decided to do a gender reveal for this baby. We did one for Grayson but not for Violet and all of our friends and family really liked it so we're going to make it a surprise for all of us.
"No we're doing the gender reveal again" Delilah informs him and he nods.
"Okay so I'll just be right back" he tells us and leaves the room. Delilah gets off the bed and pulls her shirt down. Her baby bump is looking big for only 4 months but she's already had 2 kids so her body must be use to the stretch. I place my hand on her stomach and rub it gently.
The doctor comes back in with an envelope and we thank him and leave.

"We should let my mom do the reveal" Delilah tells me on the way home. "You know because your mom did it for Grayson. Its only fair that my mom gets to do it for this baby"
"Okay, yeah. Lets do it" I smile at her and she nods mimicking my smile. "Can you believe it D, 3 kids?" I ask her shaking my head.
"Yeah, it's crazy to think that over 11 years ago we had just started dating now were on our third baby" she agrees. Her phone goes off and she answers it after 3 rings.
"Hi Julie....yeah...okay, I'll see you soon" she says and hangs up. She sighs and puts her phone back in her purse. "I have to go to the office today. They want to start casting tomorrow and guess where I have to go for that?" she looks at me.
"Los Angeles?" I ask with a deep sigh and she nods.
"We have to leave tomorrow"
"Can't they cast without you?" I ask. She always has to go to Los Angeles, she practically lives there.
"No" she almost shouts. "They want me there because its my book so they want to make sure they get who I see as each character."
"How long will you be gone?" I question.
"I don't know. We're meeting later today to talk about everything. Then I have to leave at 6 am for the flight."
"You know I love and support you on anything I just wish you didn't have to leave so much" I shrug.
"Me too but that's what we get when we live in Arizona and my job is practically in LA."
"Well I know but my job is here and that's why we moved here." I state. "And its not like we can just pick up and move. Violets school is here and your mom is here and-" she cuts me off.
"I didn't say we had to move Brendon, if we don't then you're just going to have to be okay with every time I have to leave. You came here for your dream job and now I have to travel to do what I want and I'm okay with it but I need you to be okay" she is now angry, I can tell. I just shake my head and continue the job is silence. We get in an argument almost every other time she says she has to leave for a while. Its mostly my fault I guess. She wants my support and how am I suppose to support my wife every time she walks out of the door for a long time.
Once we get home and walk inside the dogs start going crazy and then we hear the sound of Grayson getting overly excited that were here.
"Mommy!" Grayson calls to us. He runs in and jumps into Delilah's arms, her catching him.
"Hey sweetie" she smiles and kisses his cheek. "Violet can you come here real quick" she calls and soon the sound of her coming downstairs is heard and then she is seen.
"Yeah mommy?" she asks walking over to her.
"I have some news" she starts, setting Grayson down. "Mommy has to go to LA to do some work, so I won't be here for a week or so"
The look on their faces makes me so sad, they hate when she leaves but they know she has to.
"I'm sorry guys. I'm not leaving for a couple days though. I'll be back in no time. I promise" she gets down on their level.
"Why are you leaving?" Violet asks.
"I have some work to do out there. That movie I was telling you about, were finding people to play parts in that movie." she informs them. "I have to leave soon for a meeting but I'll be back later I promise, then we can cuddle and watch a movie." she smiles and they perk up a little bit. "Okay, I have to go get ready" she stands and then runs upstairs.
"I hate when she leaves" I sigh looking at Veronica.
"I don't...I love that she's perusing something she loves. It sucks she has to leave but she's doing what she loves. If you hate when she leaves, just move to LA, that's where she goes most of the time" she shrugs.
"Its not that simple job is here" I sigh. The kids run upstairs and I sit down.
"It is though Brendon, you are making her stay here for your career so she has to commute 5 hours out of the way for hers. And then you make it hard for her to leave every time. You sound selfish" she looks at me, her face full of judgment.
"I'm selfish because I want my pregnant wife to stay at home with the kids instead of leaving so often" I ask.
"Yes, look you married her when she was just 20 years old. You already had your career done and you had started it. She was only just beginning it. Now she is doing what she loves and still staying with you, still making sure she sees her family more than doing her job" she pauses. "When I was 20 I was in college focusing on what I wanted to do with my life. Delilah was busy being a house wife. And still is, you are making it so unfair for her Brendon. She is mom and a wife now but she is also a best selling author so let her do that"
"You sound just like Delilah. I get it but I'm not moving back to LA for her. I can't. I love my job here" I tell her.
"What about your friends? All of them live in LA, your family lives there too. You're keeping them from your children. Just think about all the things you are not doing because of a job you have here. Your saying that your job is more important that hers."
"I am not!" I stand. "I'm so proud of Delilah, she worked so hard to get where she is now. I just don't think we should pick up and move, were doing just fine-" Delilah cuts me off.
"Stop it you two. Mom, you can go home now. Thank you for babysitting. I have something to give you" she pulls an envelope from her purse. "Its the gender of the baby. We don't know what is but we'd like to do a gender reveal and we'd like you to plan it"
"Really?" Veronica asks with a smile. "Thank you. I really appreciate it" she hugs Delilah and then takes the envelope. "This is going to be great"
"I hope so, I'll see you later" she tells Veronica and then she leaves.
"And Brendon" Delilah says as she turns to face me. "You need to leave my mom alone. Stop getting into arguments with her all the time, I've had enough"
"She started it Delilah!" I shout.
"I don't care, I'm leaving now. I'll see you later" she says, grabbing her purse and then walking out with so much as a goodbye kiss.

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