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it's bin 2 months, chare n raychol hav nut bin wid con tact wid each udder n it wuz so sad :(

but sudden lee raychol wuz drive ing 2 skool wid hur pair ents

n she sow da chare wunce a gain

raychol did nut no wut 2 do so she Fran tick ally surch ed 4 her can dream cane 2 thee feet her x

da chare did nut want 2 fite an ee moar

da chare thumb led down da hill n raychol got out of da care

da chare tack uld raychol

n raychol cryed

da chare whiz purred 2 raychol

"we shood nut fite an ee moar"

raychol did nut bee leave chare

"pleez ray challenge :( i loeve u"

raychol cryed a gain

n dey just laid der wid each udder

n it was da most bootiful ting evar


you know what, this'll end in 3 more chapters don't worry

but don't count on me to end just there


rachel x chair fanfic (completed)Where stories live. Discover now