South Africa

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Dedicated to my native country.

Have you ever experienced green?
A green so green you lose yourself in it,
You fall into a mosh pit of it.

Have you ever seen an ocean so blue,
That you can almost fall into it,
And never come out?

Has your hands ever felt the roughness of a lion's fur,
The softness of grass in the summer?
Has your nose ever truly experienced rain?

South Africa, South Africa...
My country!
You have given me beauties far beyond words and comprehension.

The day, my friend,
You see the Free State's green mountains,
Or the Karoo's beautiful dry lands,
That day you will live.

That day,
You will be whole.




Hey guys!

Sorry for the bother.

I just wanted to say that I hope you enjoyed this poem.

In case you haven't noticed, I'm from the RSA (Republic of South Africa).

For those who don't completely understand what I wrote here, I wrote about the beauty and magnificence of the RSA.

I honestly hope that each and everyone one of you can witness the things I have witnessed in my life!

The picture at the top is of me a couple years ago in a province named Limpopo. There's a Rhino and Lion Park there that we visited and I got to hold and pet a lion. It was the only photo I could find that could truly capture the essence of this poem.

I wish you all the best and hope you have a great day.

Lots of love,

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