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It's been a long eighteen years.
All filled with numerous tears.

It seems suffering has followed me,
Ever since,
The doctor slapped the breath into me.

It won't be long after that,
That I got hit again...
But this time,
The tears were those of anguish.

And then,
I got hit with words like fire.
It burned it's way into my soul,
Like an infinite Tarturus.

But, alas,
The drinking didn't take it away.
I threw myself at everything,
Just to close the hole it made.

But, Kimberly has been mined out,
And there is no more diamonds to found.

Now, a piece of me,
Sits in the Tower of London,
And the other half is filled with cold water.

I'm drowning in the fire of anguish.
And you can't help me.

Now, I sit with a bottle,
And every few months it explodes,
Destroying every part of me.

Your tears have run out now, honey.
It's time to stop.
Put the lid on.
No one wants to see,
The ugly that rears it's head in you.




Hi everyone!!

Thank you for reading this.

I didn't actually want to explain this metaphor or this poem to you. I wanted it to speak to you as a person.

But, there was a metaphor in here that I wanted to explain because most people actually won't know this.

As you all should know by now, I'm from South Africa. And here we have this place in one of our provinces, the Free State, that is actually pretty miraculous.


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Now, that beauty right there is the Big Hole of Kimberly. That my dears is a huge ass mining hole from eons ago that filled up with water over time.

It is said to be the biggest hole excavated by hand.

You guys can Google it if you want. I'm actually a bit lazy to put everything on here since I'm typing it on my phone.

It's mined out now, hence the refernce.

It is also said that the early mining industry in South Africa also produced the QUEEN OF ENGLAND'S CROWN JEWELS DIAMOND. You know that huge one in the middle? Yeah...that's from my home country.

Except that didn't come from The Big Hole of Kimberly. It came from hole different place.

Pretty cool huh?

Anyway...metaphor explained and I'm out.

Love you guys!


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