Dear Diary: Ashton

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Ashton's Point of View: Rmellis/Ryoko4848

Invisible. That's what I'm not in this school. I have of no idea why I am the well known person in this school, and nor do I like it, but I was never given a choice of the fact. Everyone's eyes land on me when I make my move to bring myself in standing up, everyone on the outside grounds of the school stopping what they're doing just so they can watch my every move.

Footballs have stopped being kicked, laughter has come to a stop, and chattering has now muted down. Shoving my hands into my pocket, I ignore all around me as if it was all nothing. But then again: I guess it is. This is just another normal day for me. Everyone bowing down at me like I'm the King of the school, and others fearing me like I'm a criminal of some sorts.

Joining me once I bring myself to my feet, Cas and Brad come to either side of me, them— like normal — stood only a few centimeters behind me so I'd lead the way. These two always followed me. Acting like an irritating shadow that you can't shake off, them both being lost sheep and using me to find their way.

No matter how rude I was and still am, they'd just laugh, say something they think is funny, and always come back.

A group filled of black birds swoop down to the ground before us to then shoots back up into the eerie sky, Cassidy's ear aching laughter making my face scrunch up when she laughs at the fact they near enough attacked us.

Side stepping youngsters move out of our way when we enter the three storey white building, doors being held open for us to enter on through. Cas loudly thanking them, myself saying nothing but passing them, while Brad tugs on her arm to stop her from getting carried away and talking non-stop to them. Though, being the impatient person I am, I simply shake my head and go on without them.

Swinging my plain black backpack over my right shoulder, I pull down my — yet again — plain black, short sleeved, shirt, (when it rolls up slightly,) down. I find myself wandering through the crowd of people within the full, however, very lonely, school, and over to my navy blue — untouched, unlike the rest which have a variety of dint's and graffiti on them — locker.

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