Dear Diary: Ashton.

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Aston's Point of View: Rmellis/Ryoko4848

Petrified; that was what the two idiotic males, who, with dumbfounded faces, stared my way acted. One near enough pissing himself where he stands while the other cautiously backs away. I storm their way in anger, both their eyes glued to my balled up fist's.

Chatting about me behind my back was fine, and talking all hard was easily acceptable too, it's nothing new to me in this situation; but talking about my life and my past was for my knowledge only, nobody else had the right to know.

My pupils became dilated and my knuckles now readied cracked into the painful colour of white. With my positioned stance, when I brought myself to a halt only inches away from one's face, in a pounce, ready for it's attack.

Baby blue eyes popping out from one's skull while they other eyes me gormlessly, I let off a heavy, uneven, breath; to stop myself from doing what the school knows me best for. The hallways were dark from the high up rectangular windows that fill up the corridor, the stormy grey clouds coating over the sun. 

Though, even with the lights being a dim orange, it was enough to find everyone surrounding us either heading off in a rush to class or watching the sight before themselves in amusement.

Nobody knew how I'd react and to be totally honest, neither did I. But it doesn't mean I wasn't going to do nothing. Pinning one's collar to the locker behind himself, I slammed him back letting off a steamy fierce grunt. Lucky, for the other male that is, he took this as his chance to escape and left his friend, who held a betrayed expression, defenseless against me.

I snort at the cowardly act, the blonde male's attention falling back on me horrifically. "Good friend 'e is." I tease, shaking my head while he trembles in my hold, this being very entertaining. "So, dimwit, it sure seemed you 'ad something interesting to share with the rest of us." I hummed out, cocking my head to one side when I raised his collar only so much higher that he's feet arose from the ground, and his toes search urgently for the floor. "You sure do know alot 'bout me, more then I may know of myself, so go on; humor me?"

"It wasn't... I wasn't... it's not... I was—"

However, with all his stuttering for words and a headache brewing, I knew I couldn't stand anymore. Yanking him off of the locker, I simply released his collar watching as he tumbled down, like a newborn deer learning to stand, to the ground. People blankly gawking around us, some gasps happening when the blonde let off a weak yelp in pain.

I could tell he was about to plead for forgiveness. It was obvious by the way he's laying out in such a vulnerable position asking to be slammed back into the locker by my foot in his stomach, anyone in their right mind would beg. But I'd had enough for one morning and knew new rumors were now soon to come.

"Shut up." I barked, his jaw instantly clenching shut. "Pick it up," I ordered him, his fearful expression changing into utter confusion. Noting he wasn't doing as I'd said, I slipped one hand into my black jeans right pocket and raised my leg up, in an aiming way. "I. Said. Pick. It. Up." To shook up, he obediently reached out for the pencil beside his thigh and held it out to me. "Perfect," I say, snatching it from his shaky hands and sliding it between my head and ear, it easily balancing there.

"L-look... man, I'm sorry I—"

"Save it," I sighed. "You can go." Eyes beaming, adrenaline rushing through him excitedly, he jumps eagerly to his feet readying to dash away from me, until I firmly placed my left palm against his left collarbone. Him tensing at the action. "And if I was you," I breathed out. "I'd find a better friend than that wimp of a mate."

He just took in my words, heavily panting, he sprinted away once my hand removed itself from him. The chattering came back and the noise refilled the previous silent in suspension room. No more than one single glare from me had them all scurrying away to their next lesson or a safer place to stay, leaving me free to be alone in my own space; well, for about ten seconds that it.

"Way to go, Ash. Back at it again I see."

Flipping him the finger, I comb my fingers through my scruffy raven hair. "Shut it Eyebrows." I scrolled. "They don't learn, honestly. Can no one in this entire school keep their mouth shut?"

"Mm, depends really. The ginger kid that ran way just then, he's new to this place." He informs me, myself shrugging. "I think the blonde was just tryna win one over on him, y'know, make himself to be all out and big within the school."

"Whatever," I grumbled, un-enthusiastically. "Where's four eyes anyways?" I ask, raising a brow.

Walking up to my side, we looked down the empty hallway together. "They left early; Daniela was on her case to find you so Cas lead her away."

"Really?" I question in disbelief. "Oh great, what do they want? They're not nice for no reason, so C'mon? What is it they want in return?"

Laughing, Brad smacks my back playfully. "We don't all do everything nice because we want something Ash; it's called being nice to a friend, you should try it."

"Oh I would," I say, pausing for a split moment before adding, "that is if only I had friends." Bradley just shakes his head at the comment, smirking. "What we got first, anyways?" I ask, adding. "First bell's 'bout to go."

With his green backpack over his shoulder, we freeze for a moment when the front of it's zipper begins to vibrate. "Oh, I got to get this," he says as he fumbles around to get his phone out. "Oh," he sighs.

I peer over his shoulder, being nosy. Asking; "who is it?"

"Just Andy. Say's Cassidy's broke some kids glasses in the science room and that we need to sort it out." Tapping in a few things into the phone, he switches it off and places it back in it's rightful place. "Well than, you coming?"

"Yeah, I will." I told him. "You go off up there now, I don't think I can handle her right now." He nods, understandingly. "I'm gonna get some fresh air then I'll be there. Just keep her out of trouble."

Waving his hand and starting off, he shouts out behind him; "I could say the same for you. In a bit... and don't be late, some say the sadistic bitch of a teacher is on one today." I snort a laugh, him laughing with me until he vanishes through the hallways double doors.

"Idiot," I mumble to myself, sighing. 

Now I was alone and even though that sounds lonely and sad, it was heaven to me. Alone was me and what I liked to be, it was freedom to me. Stepping out in the opposite direction from Bradley off to the courtyard of the school, I came to, yet again, another halt when a smaller figure can in contact with my chest, knocking itself backwards. 

"What the Hell?"

As if my brain was on autopilot, my hand reached out and snatched at the person's wrist, catching them just in time before they toppled backwards onto the floor. Hands entwined with one another for balance and the petite figures head bowed down, I mumbled a curse word not meaning in anyway to of hurt the other student.

"Well, I didn't see that one coming." I grumbled out in surprise, our hands still locked. Looking down to the brown mop of hair, I frowned at the anonymous male; his face unknown and hidden from me. Holding on tight to his warm hand, not wanting to part from it, I sighed. "You alright kid?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2017 ⏰

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