Chapter One

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"Ella! Ella!" Someone frantically screamed my name from behind. I wasn't listening and didn't need too, I knew it would be about my recent breakup with George Weasley. 

I flipped my short dirty-blond hair over my shoulder as I slouched through the hallways of Hogwarts, with my follower desperate to catch up with me but I didn't want to listen as this voice I recognised almost immediately was the voice I didn't want to hear.

"Ella!" The figure had made it in front of me now, their chest rose and fell with every breath. They must of been following me for a while otherwise they wouldn't be like this. 

"Good afternoon, Fred," I sighed, even though I was stopped in my tracks I tried desperately to get out of his way as I didn't need this conversation. 

"Hey, Ella, I just need to give you a message from — " 

"George? Tell him it's fine, he can date Angelina Johnson he has the liberty to do so." 

Angelina Johnson is the girl who led to mine and George's breakup. Cut a long story short I knew her and George were friends but I didn't know they were more than friends until I saw them one day in the main courtyard kissing so passionately, more than George had ever given me. Why would he ever want to date a Slytherin? 

"No, he's sorry and he — " 

"Lost himself in Angelina's eyes? Yeah he's used that line before." 

"Ella, he just wants a second chance. Angelina and him are just friends!" 

"Does friends mean eating each others faces off in front of me? I don't think so and if you're going to continue I suggest you stop now unless you want only a mouth of only a couple of teeth," I paused making my eyes look dangerous. "Because I can you know." 

"I - I know your reputation, Ella. I didn't mean to annoy you, George just wanted me to give you this message as he didn't want his head ripped off..." 

"Well you can tell your beloved twin that you — " I pointed to his chest. "Are not an owl and I — " I pointed to myself. "Am done with him so he can do whatever the hell he wants with Miss Perfect Angelina Johnson. Because she has something I don't have." 

"I know I'm not an owl...but still I just wanted to tell you that so things were clear between you two — " he stopped me by placing a hand on my cheek. 

"Have you been crying?" 

"No!" I flung his hands away then grabbed hold of the front of his jumper even though he was taller than me. "Slytherin's don't cry" 

"Er - okay. Just let me go!" He pleaded. I let go of his jumper and he dashed off without another word, occasionally turning his head back round to see if I was following but I just stood there. 

I did lie to Fred but I couldn't spoil my reputation of bullying because of one stupid question from a Weasley. I took off my robes then shoved them in my bag leaving my Slytherin tie to hang loosely around my neck on the white school shirt with one button un-done at the top. 

I had never really cared much about my appearance but when I was going out was George I actually bothered to iron my robes and do my hair neatly rather than a few yanks with my old hairbrush which had been given to me by, my now deceased, mother. It had my initials engraved on it 'E.E.H' Ella Elizabeth Howard.

My father, who was also dead, made it for me when I was very young. My mother, my father or I would brush — oh wait I forgot to tell you. I used to have really long hair and it wasn't a dirty blond it was a golden blond. I was called a very pretty child and I knew it. But when there was a strange knock at the door one evening, it changed my life forever. 

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