Chapter Three

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The next day, when almost everyone had cleared off to see their parents over Christmas, I found myself back in the corridor where Harry's gang had been yesterday. The more I think about it, the more I want to get into that room they were in. 

But there was no way to get in.

I'd searched the whole of the seventh floor, yet there was still no sign of a door or entrance to a room. It was just corridor after corridor. I wondered if I was going mental, if I was seeing things, which could be possible. I often get my dreams mixed up with reality but I'd bet my Slytherin tie there was definitely a door around here somewhere... 

I sit on a wall and think to myself with a grin about how George Weasley had gone home for the Christmas holidays, I would no longer be confronted by him or would see him with Angelina Johnson which satisfied me further because the last thing I needed was a loved up couple invading my precious thoughts. 

A ghost swept past me and I immediately recognised her as Helena Ravenclaw, 'The Grey Lady', the ghost of Ravenclaw, whatever you want to call her. My gaze followed her see-through form until words were pushed to the front of my mouth and she turned around at my voice. 

"Excuse me?"

"Yes?" She answered, a little annoyed that someone had interrupted her stroll (well, you couldn't really call it that...) 

"Do you know if there are any doors around here?" 

"Doors?" She repeated. I really was a nutter and was imagining things... 

"Yes, doors,  have you seen any?" 

"Well...there is one..." she began, although she seemed afraid of her answer. But my pleading look made her continue. "I can't tell you about it, though, it's secret..." 

"Secret!" I raged, jumping up and walking over to her. "Why on Earth is it secret? Did that Potter boy make it a secret? I bet he did!" 

"No, it has always been a secret to those who cannot find it, whereas some have been clever enough to find it. Some may come across it once or twice out of just luck but others are smart enough to know it's secret." 

"Can you at least give me a clue?" I was whining like a young child but I really needed to know where it was. I wanted to get Potter in trouble. I wasn't part of Umbridge's Inquisitorial Squad because I thought it was stupid but getting Potter in trouble would make my day. 

The Grey Lady pursed her lips and did not speak a word, as though in deep thought. I looked at her desperately but she still remained silent. My heart raced as I desperately wanted to get in that room. Relief flooded through me when she began to speak again. 

"If you have to ask, you'll never know. If you know, you need only ask." With that she floated off, continuing her journey as to wherever she was going. 

"If I need to ask, I'll never know. If I know, I need only ask..." I repeated this to myself all the way back down to the exact place where I had seen everyone exit yesterday. 

I closed my eyes and repeated that riddle over and over again in my head and after a minute, I opened my eyes. There was still no door. 

'Perhaps it's the riddle you need to answer,' a voice in the back of my head said, and for some reason I trusted it. 

"I wish to see the place where Potter held his club..." I whispered to the wall and then closed my eyes and waited patiently again.

This time, when I opened my eyes, I saw some vast double doors that had patterns that twisted and turned like vines. I gasped then walked towards it and placed my hand on it. A shiver ran up my spine. As soon as I opened it, I found an almost empty room with a mirror with a few articles on in a corner and a dummy of a Death Eater in the middle of the room. 

It took me a few moments to realise that Potter was forming a club, a defense against the dark arts club for his friends and this was completely against Professor Umbridge's rules. Draco had told me about it once but I hadn't really been listening. Now I knew exactly what I was going to do...after I'd had a look around. 

I walked over to the mirror, with all the articles posted on it, and gazed at it. All the articles consisted of tragic deaths, probably to help Potter and his friends to avenge their loved ones' deaths, which seemed pretty logical and this seemed like a pretty good club to join... 

But I couldn't join. I'd rather tell on them. Besides, I didn't even really know who killed my parents, how on Earth could I avenge their death? I couldn't simply go around and start killing people randomly (although that is my want, I'm not Voldemort). 

Next I look at the replica of a Death Eater, it looked pretty good. But I didn't want to attack it. In a way I thought Death Eaters were my friends, it could well be that I chose the path of being a Death Eater when I leave Hogwarts...

As I was studying this room it made me think how Harry had got it. I'm sure he didn't ask the Grey Lady for help...

Then it hit me...the Grey Lady's riddle made sense; this was a Room of Requirement and whatever you required it gave it to you. 

I gasped then rushed out of the room and waited for the doors to close and when they did I closed my eyes and began to repeat to myself over and over: I wish not to be here, I wish not to be here, I wish not to be here... 

You're probably wondering why I'm saying that, well the truth is...I don't think I really belong here. Considering my parents are dead and everyone appears to hate me, I don't see the point of being here, although I don't wish to be maybe the Room of Requirement could help me find some way to relieve me of my pain. 

I opened my eyes in excitement and saw the doors had returned, I ran towards them without hesitation and opened them up. There I saw a room piled high to the ceiling with all different objects that did goodness knows what. 

The next thing I knew I was running down all the aisles that were provided, through all the old junk. I didn't know what to pick up because the possibilities were endless. That was until I saw some kind of necklace.

It wasn't an ordinary necklace, it was a chain with a had three loops and an egg timer in the middle. I'd heard about these before, but I had no idea what they did. 

"Well, you don't know until you try things out..." I grabbed the necklace and put it around my neck then walked back to the Slytherin common room, it was empty so I sat down on one of the chairs and stared at my necklace. 

It gleamed in the dim common room light and almost begged me to spin it, perhaps it would do something if I spun it? 

"Hey, Ella," I looked up and saw Goyle. I thought he went home for Christmas? 

"Um, hey, Goyle." I said as he walked over and sat down next to me. "I thought you went home for Christmas, you normally do, don't you?" 

"I do normally but this time Draco seemed too interested in Pansy and I normally visit his house in the Christmas and I didn't see the point..." 

"That's cool," (he gave me a look.) "I mean, that's terrible! You must feel so left out!" 

"I do, but at least you're here, Ella, I won't feel as left out as I could be." 

"That's nice, Goyle..." I fiddled with necklace nervously. 

"I've always really liked you, you know that? You're such a pretty girl, but I never got the chance to tell you that considering you were dating George." 

"Ah, well, that's real kind of you!" I laughed nervously as he leaned closer to me, this time I was spinning the time turner. Was he really going to kiss me? 

And just as he was about to kiss me, I felt dizzy. I thought I was going to faint.

Then, everything went blank. 

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