Chapter ten

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I quickly woke up to the fort collapsing on top of us.

I giggled and Ethan sighed.

"Thank God I'm a youtuber and I don't work in construction." He said while getting up and taking the fort off of us.

He looked at his phone and looked shocked.

"We've been asleep for 10 minutes." He said and I shook my head.

"No it felt like more..." I said

"Wow thanks fort I finally get a girl and your just like 'Nope, I don't think so.'" He said making me blush.

He walked over to me and smirked.

I stood up off the floor.

He rapped his arms around me in a hug and leaned towards my ear.

"Race ya to my room." He whispered and took off.

"NO FAIR YOU GOT A HEAD START!" I said running after him.

We got to his room in a tie. I hunched over out of breath.

"Wow I'm out of shape." I whisper and he laughs.

I sit on the side of his bed not knowing if he wanted me to join him or not.

"I'm just gonna get changed." He said and I nodded. He headed to his closet and closed the door.

I sat there and went on my phone for a little. I tweeted out that I would be posting my colab tomorrow. I didn't care about the traffic to my channel that much anymore. This colab has made me meet so many great people that are worth way more than a couple of new subs.

He turned off his light making his room pitch black. I couldn't see anything and started to get scared.

He tapped my shoulder making me jump.

"Did I scare you?" He said in a raspy voice.

I hummed yes and stood up. I felt his bare arms rap around my body. It was just us. I put my hands on his shoulders and leaned into him.

"Are you feeling better?" He asked

"Yes mom." I said in a tone making him giggle.

He rubbed his hand on my back and we stayed there for a little.

"Are you tired?" He said asking yet another question.

I yawned answering his question.

He picked me up and brought me over to his bed. He placed me under the covers and he sat on the edge of his bed. He took his shirt off making me blush. He couldn't see it though. It was too dark, thank God.

"Sorry I can't sleep with a shirt's too restricting." He mentioned

"Wow big words." I said making him laugh.

He got under the covers and moved towards me.

He put his arm around me and I laid my head on his bare chest.

I heard his heart beating. I felt so safe in his arms.

He looked down and me and took some of my hair that was in my face and put it behind my ear.

He cupped my face making me get butterflies.

We just stayed there looking at each other. It wasn't awkward. It was sweet.

He started to lean towards me and I smiled. He kissed my fore head and brought me closer into his chest so that there was no space left between us. I looked up at his and his lips met mine.

I felt a rush. It was so nice. I moved my lips in sync with his. He brought his arm down to my waist and deepened the kiss. I tiled my head so he had more room to move. He tugged on my bottom lip. I blushed and opened my mouth. He had control, and I didn't mind. I felt so nice. It wasn't forced, it was smooth. His tongue danced with mine. His hand that was on my waist griped me harder and he rubbed his thumb like he was massaging me. I closed my mouth and went back to the smaller kiss. Our lips slowly drifted apart.

I slowly collapsed on the bed. His head moved over me. He kissed my lips, but didn't increase the kiss like before.

"Goodnight Avery." He said.

I moved closer to him.

"Goodnight Ethan." I smiled into his chest. He played with my hair for a while until he fell asleep. His soft snores made me giggle. I rested my head on his chest and drifted to sleep as well.

A/n next chapter will be long💗

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