Tag #8

20 3 7

Tagged by Naruto_Potatoe_0328
I know this is pretty late but I just got around to it, so let's begin.

Tagged by Naruto_Potatoe_0328 I know this is pretty late but I just got around to it, so let's begin

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1. Yup.

2. You don't gotta know buddy

3. I think it's either 5'4 or 5'5

4. 7

5. Dark brown. Like my soul (it hasn't gotten pitch black yet)

6. Hmm....like 3 days ago when I was watching the kdrama Pinocchio

7. The dark

8. 2pm-My House

9. Nerppppppppp

10. YouTube

Okay now I'll tag people

That's enough. I did this in class so *shrugs*.


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