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Real quick thing before you start to read this.... ''''story''''. I wrote this in 20...13? Possible 2014, at the very latest. It's now 2017, so I can look bakc and say it is really, really, reaaaally bad. And I could go through it and edit it, make it better, but it's really horrible for me to look at and it's funny for you to read, and realise that hey, this person is not good at writing. Was not good at writing. Maybe both. 

So yes, there are obvious flaws. There are clear-as-day mistakes that I could change, but I'm not going to. 

Anyway, enough from me - try not to throw up as you read this.

I put down her essay just as the teacher called "Time up! Please put your papers on my desk, and sit quietly until the bell goes." I tilted my head back, and sighed happily. That was the last test for that year. Thank God. The glare of the light overhead blinded me for a moment. My head was tilted back the right was just in time to see the class slut, Amber, sucking Jordan's face off. I shivered, and looked away again. I mean, eww!

The clanging of the bell made everyone shove their chairs back. The teacher stood up. "Have a good summer everyone! See you in September!"

I joined the swarm of teenagers walking down the corridors, trying to ignore the pushes, shoves and angry shouts people directed at me. My best friend and sadly only friend, Zoe caught up with me at my locker. I peeled off the stickers and notes advertising my death and smiled at her.

"Hey Martha! You wana come round mine after school? I heard that Team Crafted had updated something new!" She said excitedly, asking.

"Sure" I said. "Let me just ask my mum."

I entered the combination and opened the blue locker, emptying everything into my bag. A winter fleece. A sketch pad. A handful of out-of-ink pens, and broken pencils. Normal, schooly stuff.

As we walked out of school, I thought I saw something in the Bush, but when I looked it was gone. It looked like eyes but they would have to be luminous to be able to stand out. Then, I shrugged, and turned away, taking out my mobile out at the same time.


Two hours, seventy two episodes and twenty cookies later, I finally decided to leave. I decided to cut through the forest - Even though it was creepier, it was quicker. I curses when I realised why my back wasn't hurting. I had forgotten my backpack it at Zoe's. Then, I shrugged again. I would pick it up tomorrow.

I soon walked into familiar territory. I was near the school. My eye caught the bush I had seen earlier. It bristled again. I frowned, shaking my head. Was it my imagination, or were luminous eyes watching me still? I stopped. My first mistake.

The Wolf burst out of the bushes with such speed, it was a blur. Instinctively, I raised my hands to protect my face, my heart thumping. But the wolf wasn't aiming for me. It wasn't even snarling. If anything, it seemed to be expecting me. That was creepy. Several other wolves came out of the dark trees, and before I could say anything - or scream - they had surrounded me. What....

They started howling to the sky. I remembered reading somewhere that they howled when they started a hunt - or were about to kill. Yet these wolves seemed to be howling  calmly and.... Peacefully? Even more weird - I could understand them! They were howling the same thing to the sky over and over again. They were howling 'one of us. one of us. Let us take her. One of us. One of us. Let us take her Soul. One of us. One of us. Let her shift.' over and over. The Wolf words swirled around the air, making me start to feel dizzy from translating a language I didn't even know existed, never mind understanding it. Then, I started to feel odder if possible.

First, I felt her face. It seemed to be growing out, and my ears and nose were moving. My spine painfully elongation, and I watched with horror as my spine broke through my behind, and turned into a tail. My leg bones started moving with horrific cracks. And all over my body, it felt like there were millions of tiny needles pushing through my skin. With a sudden burst, I fell on all fours, as fur coated my body. Silver fur. Wolf fur.

That was when I blacked out.


Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed the first chapter! I know it's really short, but it's my first werewolf book, so give me a break!

I finally edited it! So no longer will I have confusion. Thank you to everyone who pointed it out... Even if it was slightly harsh. Don't worry bout it tho.


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