Breaking Free

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When the wrist band was put on my wrist, nothing seemed different. Exept when I felt myself kinda slip away. But I snapped out of it quickly enough. I was standing in the same place, felt the same etc. But when the elder dismissed the pack, I found myself moving. Not in the direction I wanted. I was moving with the rest of the pack, to words what I guessed was the place everyone slept.

I walked with the pack against my will. We stopped when the pack reached the doors of the hall. The guards opened the doors to let us in, but kept an eye on us. Correction. Kept a eye on me.

But my feet moved with the rest of the pack, and the guards relaxed, and started chatting among themselves.

When the pack, plus me, reached the courtyard outside, the tension that seemed to be in the air broke. Everyone's eyes became focused, and their facial expressions changed.

I felt my body obey me again. I lifted my hand again. The wrist band was a lot like the necklace, with the silver moon and black background. But it felt a bit heavy for plastic. It had to be metal.

I gripped at the clip that held the two bands together. As soon as I tugged, the pack around me turned and started shouting.


"don't do that!"

"your not allowed!"

I dropped the clip, and the atmosphere returned to normal. Everyone turned back to what they were doing.


One girl continued to stare at me, her gold eyes staring at my fiddling figures. I wanted to take the band off. But I couldn't in this gathering.

A loudspeaker overhead crackles into life. "Dinner is ready. Please come to the cafeteria to get your food."

People started to move off. I was about to join them, but the girl grabbed my arm. Once everyone had gone, she pulled me along behind her, never uttering a word.

We arrived at a small shack. She tapped the door, shoved her necklace through a little slot I hadn't noticed - I wasn't very observant - and the door slid open. I was about to step inside, but she threw her arm out to stop me. I watched as the trapdoor swung open, and a platform went over the gap. The girl walked forward, no longer pulling my arm.

I followed. Inside, it was as small as it looked, but very science like. There were a lot of test tubes, several bunson burners laying around and lots of the necklaces, broken. I looked at the necklaces. Inside the thing in my pocket was a tiny needle, with a tiny vile attached to it.

I got distracted by the girl. She gently put my wrist on the table, and picked up a hammer. She looked at me.

"Sorry, but this is going to hurt." She said softly.

I just looked at her. Whu?

She swung the hammer. It hit the wrist band. It hurt.

Then, for a milliseconds, I felt a ting needle inject my skin. It was painless, yet I could feel it. Then I lost control of my body.

My hand flew up, hitting the girl. I tried to widen my eyes, but couldn't.

The girl jumped up. She swung the hammer again. My body waited for a second, then dodged. The hammer swung harmlessly through the air. The girl looked at me. Then she threw a needle through the air.

It was too quick for my body to dodge. The needle hit my arm. That needle hurt. The girl ran up and pressed down. The fluids joined my bloodstream.

Then, I blacked out.


I woke up in the science room. It was dark. And I was hungry.

I got off my back, and looked around . There was a plate of Sheppard pie and sweet corn next to me. I picked it up and devoured it. Then I looked at my wrist band.

It looked no different. I promised it off, rubbing my wrist. I could see a pin-prick hole in my skin were the needle went in. I then examined the wrist band.

On top, it looked normal. But inside, there was a needle and several tiny vile' s of different liquid. I decided not to touch it.

I looked around again, clipping the wrist band back on. I didn't want it on, but looking at the way everyone had acted when I tried to take it off, it meant it was probably important. I had to keep innocent.

The girl came into the room. I smiled at her

She smiled back, hooking her thumb into the hook of her jeans.

"Thank you" I said. She nodded to me.

At least I had one friend.


I'm on a roll! Two chapters in one day... Yay! Hope ya'll appreciate this! Votes and comments are LOVED! Erm.... Yeah....


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