Mission (Chapter 5)

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Ed was lying in his bed thinking about Lisa. What does Al mean by "something off about her" I didn't think anything was off I thought she was um................um..............NO! Ed then quickly sat up from his bed and slap himself "you are not starting any  relationships in the military" Ed said  to himself "um Ed?" Ed then turned around to this voice to see Al "oh hey Al" Ed said turning pink from embarrassment "well anyway we have to go to Roy office" Al said trying to not laugh at Ed for want he walked in on "okay are we being assigned a mission" Ed question "No clue LETS just go Roy is waiting!" Al said "OH SHI-" Ed said while putting on his pants and running out the door.                                                    "I see you finally made it" Roy said as Ed and Al bust though Roy office door. Ed then looks up from panting to see Lisa sitting on a chair across from Roy desk. Ed smiles a sits on the chair next to her and Al sits down next to Ed "You are probably wondering why I called you in here" Roy said "yup it would probably be helpful to tell us" Ed said shifting in his chair "I will be assigning you all the same mission" Roy said as he glared at Ed "it is a robbery that took place yesterday in a small bakery shop" Roy said "why are you giving this mission to us shouldn't it go to the public police to take care of" Ed said as he looked annoyed "well I could but also a 7 year old girl was abducted by the robber but I guess this mission was too easy for you" Roy said very angry "I WILL DO IT BY MYSELF!" Lisa said as she slammed her hand on Roy desk leaving everyone to flinch  from the surprise "I will join you as well" Al said looking at Lisa face "well if everyone is doing then I should as well" Ed said as he smirk

          (Time skip) to the bakery
"So this is the place" Lisa said looking at Ed "I guess so" Ed said looking at a piece of paper that Roy gave them. The three walked in and were greeted with crying and the public police. Lisa went up to one of the officers and started talking and he showed her some rough sketches of the robber. Ed then turned to one of the police officers as well and started asking questions. "So she was last seen in a red button coat?" Ed asked "Yes, and a black skirt bottom" the officer said. "Oh where! (sob) could my daughter be! (sob)" Ed then turns around from hearing this and sees Al trying to comfort the Mom of the child Ed then walks over "may I ask you some questions?" Ed said to the Mom "Yes" the mother responded "did your daughter have any friends you didn't approve of?" Ed asked "No, she really didn't have any friends" said the mom "how come?" Ed asked lifting a eyebrow "kids just didn't like her that much she was always too mature for her age" the mother said as she got out a tissue "I see by any chance did you know the kidnapper before hand or knew that he even existed" Ed asked "No!, now please go find my daughter" the mother replied as she wiped tears with a tissue "I'll do my best" Ed said as he got up from siting with one knee and walked over to Al and Lisa "let's head to the alley where he was most commonly seen" Ed said "Right" Lisa said as the three went outside.

         (Time skip) near the alley
"I should of worn a thinker jacket" Lisa said as she rubbed her arms for warmth "Here" Ed said as he handed her his red coat "are you sure?" Lisa said lifting a eyebrow "Yeah am fine, am used to the cold by now" Ed said with a smile "awwwwww you guys are so adorable!" Al said laughing "WHAT!!!" Ed and Lisa said in unison "Well Ed never gives up his red coat, well not counting Winry" Al said while blocking hits from Ed "who's Winry?" Ed then stops from attempting to punch Al and turned around to answer Lisa question "Winry is a old childhood friend back home" Ed said "Oh is she the person that did your metal arm" Lisa said pointing to it "yeah, how did you know?" Ed said "Well Al told me" Lisa said looking at Al.
Then Ed turned to Al wanted answers "When did you guys talk? Ed asked "never mind it doesn't matter" Ed said then started walking down the dark alley as Al and Lisa followed.

                  Winry house
"Am setting you up for a arranged marriage, am setting you up for a arranged marriage, am setting you up for a arranged marriage" those words did not leave Winry head it just kept repeating and repeating never going away "Granny is just sick that's all she really didn't mean what she said" Winry said and even she knew she was in denial "Winry (cough) you there? Winry then rushed over to Granny room "Yes Granny?" Winry said at the doorframe "Can you get me some tea?" Granny asked "yeah I will be right back" Winry said as she started walking away and came back with the tea pot and started pouring tea into Granny tea cup "thanks what would I do without you" Granny said as she took a sip of her tea "so before you fell asleep you were saying some pretty weird things" Winry said as she rubbed the back of her head smiling "what was I saying" Granny said as she took a long sip from her tea "You were saying that you set me up for a arranged marriage" Winry said looking down. Granny then paused for a few seconds that set her cup town at the table "am afraid I wasn't joking" Granny said looking down but then Winry looked up shocked "what do you mean, what have you done" Winry said as she stood up from the bed to look at Granny "I am gonna die soon there is nothing you can do about that and  when I die you lose this house and workshop but you won't lose it if there is a seconded person living here with the same last name as you" Granny said calmly and looked up to see Winry face "I still don't want to marry anyone yet" Winry said with anger tears in the corner of her eyes "it's too late the plans have already been set even I couldn't change it if I wanted too" Granny said taking the tea cup off of the table "just know I did this for you, I know that you probably hate me right now but when am dead you will thank me" Granny said taking a nother sip from her tea. "I'll do if it makes you happy" Winry said looking down "oh thank you Winry am so proud of you,your all grown up" Granny said with happiness "what's his name?" Winry asked "his name is Brice Stone"

So I hope I did this chapter long enough because that's one of the hardest things for me to do but anyway thank you for reading my story make sure to comment if you want me to do anything to this fanfic and if you want something else to read and like the anime Haikyuu then make sure you check out my other story called "you can't lie to me" well thanks for clicking my story:)

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