Chapter Ten

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“Louis' face or Liam's?”

“What happens if you're in Harry's group?

“He'll know I don't like him.”

“How could you not like Harry? His curls and his eyes and his voice and his curls and his voice and his voice-”

“You said 'his voice' six times too many.”

“One . . . two . . . nope, just three.”

“You're a butt.”

“You're a butt.”

“You're both butts, you woke me up” I grumble, finally opening my eyes to see Connie and Nellie standing over Nellie's suitcase and staring into it.

“Okay, okay” Nellie says, launching herself at my bed with two shirts in her hand. I roll out of the way before she lands on me, and then sit up. “Louis?” she asks, unfolding one shirt to show Louis' face. “Or Liam?” The other shirt has Liam's face.

“She doesn't like Harry” Connie moans.

“Wear your pjs” I advise her. “Much cuter.” I stand and start to pull clothes out of my suitcase to get dressed.

“You're also a butt” she tells me.

“Did anyone bother to check the time?” Connie asks suddenly. Nellie and I frown at her. “It's ten thirty” she adds.

“We were supposed to be down at eleven” Nellie says uncertainly.

“Ten” Connie corrects.

“I'm still in my pjs” Nellie says as Connie grabs her hand and yanks her to her feet. “No, wait, national television. Pjs! Connie!” Connie pulls her out of the room. I laugh at the two of them as I collect Nellie's suitcase and my own, and follow them out.

We're, of course, the last people down. The official from NBC glares at us, as Nellie does her best to hide from the cameras and we climb into the waiting limo.

Then off to the house.


“I think I might be getting used to limos” Nellie says seriously, as we turn onto the road to the house. “They're just so . . . luxurious.”

“Look” Connie says. “That's luxury.” Both Nellie and I look out the window at the house as the limo pulls to the curb.

“Holy shit” Nellie says.

One of the other girls gasps, and Connie laughs.

“Nellie, language” I say, half-joking.

“Holy fuckweasels” Nellie tells me. “That's a mansion.”

“Fuckweasels?” Connie gasps, as the group starts unloading from the limo.

“That's my new favorite word” I say. “Also, do you think they'll beep that out on TV?”

“They better not!” Connie says, before dissolving into more laughter.

The NBC guy glares at all of us until Connie finally manages to stop laughing. Annette catches my eye, and smiles slightly. I feel like maybe she would make an okay friend.

“Welcome to the Five Directions house” the NBC guy says. “If you'll follow me, we can start the tour.” We all follow him inside, where there's a seriously fancy staircase in the front hall. With a chandelier.

“A chandelier” Nellie whispers, in awe.

We follow the NBC guy up the stairs and to the left. There's a long hallway, and open doors on either side show various rooms for relaxing or whatever. At the end of the hallway, five doors are closed, each with a piece of paper taped to the door.

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