Take 2

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   I'm at the show with my Mom and Sarah as well as her Mom. The boys reunite with our parents after months of not seeing them. They're always so respectful. I get noticed again and wind up taking pictures just like the boys are doing, except they have a real reason to. 

   We watch the show and Sarah and I dance like crazy as always. Our Mom's enjoyed the show from the back. They still seemed to have fun though. 


   Cameron told me to meet him backstage again after the show, so I did.

"Hey Steph!" he grabbed my hand and pulled me in a dressing room. Whoa.

"Whoa, hey!" I say caught off guard.

"How was tonight? Better?"

"Just as good! I loved it." I smile.

He hugs me, "You're so cute." He kisses me on the cheek. I must have gave him a look of confusion or hesitation because, well I was definitely confused. What's he doing?? "I'm sorry" he apologizes. 

"Cam, I don't get it. What's going on?"

"Ugh, I don't know, Steph."

"Why are you acting different? You never take me backstage like this.." I ask nicely.

"I don't know, we weren't as close as we are now, I guess."

"We were just as close at Revolution four months ago and you didn't give me any special treatment."

"How could I? I came out to talk to you after the show, we talked and when I had to go back in, I told you I'd be right back out, and you left... You didn't even say goodbye. You always do."

"You said you'd be right back, so I waited for half an hour and you still didn't come back, and I had to go, so I left."

"Excuse me for clearing the stage of our equipment."

"Cam, all I'm saying is that you've never given me this much attention even when I really..."

"Really what?"

"Liked you.."

"I tried to show you. I knew it. I tried to show you I liked you too, but I couldn't tell you."

"You have no problem showing me now."

"It's different now."

"How, Cameron?"

"I didn't want to date you. I mean, I did. But, I didn't want you to get sucked into all drama with the fans. You know how they can be. But, then I see you're doing fine with Jake, and it hurts because that could've been me."

"Cam, I wish you would've told me. It's a little too late now..." I say, a little upset.

"I tried, Steph. The house party..."

"Which one?"

"Yours, not Amy's." Wow, he remembered the other one I went to. Maybe he really did like me. Why didn't I see it before?

"Ok, what about mine?"

"When we sang, I sat right across from you. The campfire, I cuddled with you. I told you, you were seductive. Can it get more obvious? We took a picture of me thrusting into you. Our moment in the hallway of your house. When I told you to come outside and look at the moon with me one last time before we had to leave..."

   Wow, he really did remember every little detail that happened. I remembered it all perfectly. It was one of the most awesomest nights I've ever had, before my LA trip, that is.

"Well, didn't you pick up on my hints too? I stayed with you the whole night. My bathing suit comment, my skinny dipping comment, how about when I grabbed your crotch?"

"I thought you only did that because Tyler told you to?"

"He encouraged me after I brought it up. I really liked you, Cam."

"I really still like you."

"I wish I knew earlier."

"I'm sorry, I'm just jealous of Jake, ok?" he hugs me.

"I'm sorry." I confess. I really am.

"I'm just saying. If you ever need me, I'm here. And I hope he treats you well. You deserve the best."

"Thanks, Cam." I kiss him on the cheek. A friendly kiss.

   We say goodbye and I leave with my Mom. I'm still so confused. God, I was crazy for Cameron. I knew him longer than Jake, but Jake is amazing. Cam's awesome too, but no. Jake. Jake. Jake. At least I don't have to see Cam for another month. That kind of saddens me though. I love seeing the boys. But, I don't even know when I'll see Jake again.

A Foster Fangirl Dream Come True - A Jake T. Austin FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now