Derek Hale: @Ashlinized

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"I'll rip your throat out with my teeth."

Seems pretty harsh right? Like a first class asshole that you'd happily shove through the concrete? For the general population this would have been their initial response to the almighty Derek Hale but for the Teen Wolf fandom this was the moment we just knew, Derek Hale would be a pivotal role in our love for this show. While some of us enjoyed looking at his perfect face and body, others of us grew a deeper connection to his backstory, the good, the bad-boy was there bad, and the heartbreaking.

Teen Wolf did many things for us, and Derek Hale was a gift not many of us ever wished for but sure are happy to have.

He was more then a character to me though, he was layers of a person that I could relate too, that I wanted to be. A person who had been through so much in their life and still be encountered as a powerhouse. After all the death that had struck his young life he chose not to let that define the rest of his existence, he chose to be stronger.

Albeit, he does end up pissing many of us during season 2 but still there was no denying we would always care for the wolf who's first response was to threaten whoever was near.

It was because of this, the many ups and down in his character growth that we chose to love him. Despite his many fucks up, yikes remember Jennifer? Derek Hale continued to be our favorite sour wolf.

I think of Derek Hale a lot as the show comes to its end and remind myself not to get too nostalgic. It's hard however because I go back and remember my very first teen wolf story and the ultimate decision I made to choose to not only write a fanfic but to make Derek the love interest, a decision that would change my life forever (corny as hell but hear me out.)

The first time I can remember Derek Hale was sometime during season 2, where he was ready to kill Lydia against everyone begging him not too. Maybe it was the fact I always had a thing for the villains but I couldn't help but sympathize for the man.

In his head this was the way to keep everyone alive and if it made him the bad guy then so be it, at least they'd be alive. At the time however I was like "you fucking asshole don't touch Lydia" but afterwards I could see why.

He was always the guy to do what was necessary in order to save someone else. I think the most notable, and memorable, Derek Hale moment definitely has to be when he saved his sister and in turn lost the title of Alpha. It took him forever to gain the status and lose all the friendships he had slowly been making in who knows how long yet he didn't hesitate to choose his sister.

He was memorable right up until his last episode and even still there's reminders of him in every episode because even though he might not have been the "teen wolf" we all came to know and love he was the one who taught Scott everything he knows.

So when I sit here and write this, remembering the big bad wolf turned big brother/mentor I can't help but be slightly sad because we won't ever get full closure for him. He found solace in Braeden and perhaps learned to let go of that anger just a tad, but still? We never actually got to know if he would ever become an Alpha again? I think that might be the one thing missing for me at least when this series comes to an end.

I guess I've babbled on long enough about my love for this show and the sunshine wolf knows as Derek Hale (not the sarcasm) but I leave with this. After everything is said and done and we get a last look of the Beacon Hill's gang, it might not be the entire cast we have come to love, but it will always be the Teen Wolf we will come to remember decades later when we are all adults.

And dammit Sour Wolf will forever be immortalized, whether he be in the finale or not.

― @Ashlinized


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