Mephilis (teacher x student)

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Making my way up the steps to the high school, I pondered what this day would bring. First, the teacher would probably hand back our test we took yesterday, I bet I failed. Then (insert annoying person here) would brag about their grade and how it was so much better than mine.

Staring at the ground I make my way to my locker. I guess around lunch it would be the same view I always have. A grey bathroom stall with writing all over the door. It's the only peaceful place.

I slump over with a groan as I hear the tardy bell mock me. Late again, maybe I should've just stayed in bed. Gym would be the same, it's Friday so dodge ball. I'll be picked last and first to loose. As always. I guess I could sneak off to the library again, but last time I did that the coach found out and gave me detention so probably not a good idea.

Nervously, I twist the knob to the class room eager eyes snap their attention to me making my stomach churn slightly. Taking a mental note I quickly notice the select few who will most likely bombard me with spit balls on the bus after school. Again. I glance at the teacher as I make my way to my desk, right in front of him sadly.

Raising a brow I stare at him, I guess Mr. Prower is sick. Not that I'm complaining, he should be teaching college with how advanced he is. I examine the sub carefully, paying very close attention to the way he wrote the assignment on the white board. I couldn't find his name written anywhere up there so I guess he said it earlier. I wince as my friend, (Male friend name here), elbows me.

Lifting the cover of his book slightly, allowing me to see a note. I scan over it before writing down my responds. He nods, easily understanding that I simply just didn't want to come. I jot down a question that is just begging to be answered. He nods again and scribbles down his response.

So this guy isn't a sub...he's our new teacher. Mr. Dark. It suits him. He looks kinda scary, kinda hot too though. Maybe in his early twenties. No one's thrown anything at me yet, and no one's talking so I guess they're afraid of him. Maybe that's why he was hired. This class was a little crazy before. Quickly I ask --- what happened to Mr. Prower, but of course it doesn't surprise me that he was transferred to a big time university, to be honest I kinda saw it coming.

Mr. Dark placed the cap on the marker and stepped out of the way of the board, his handwriting was so smooth and precise, he obviously cares about his appearance. He didn't even have to say anything, everyone immediately started the assignment, and seeing as how I don't want to draw anymore attention to myself, so did I.

This class was pretty easy, I finished the work in record time! I mean, it still took me all class period, but I didn't end up with homework this time! It's too bad this joy I'm feeling isn't going to last. Gym is next and I really don't feel like having dodge balls pound my face today.

"Ms. (last name), would you mind staying back for a few moments."

I flinch slightly, the first time I hear him speak. His voice is so cold, no wonder everyone was so quiet today. I nod as I sit back down, --- smiles and pats my shoulder before rushing off to catch up with the rest of the class.

"Would you be so kind as to explain why you were late this morning?"

I rub the back of my head nervously. "N-Not really, sir."

"Is that so?" placing his hands on the corners of my desk he leans over it, bringing our faces only mere inches away from each other. "Could it be you dislike school."

"I...I g-guess you could put it like that..." I quickly let the world outside the window distract me from his snake-like eyes.

"And why is that."

I felt my face heat up at the touch of his fingers intertwining with mine. "I um...d-don't like school..."

"Elaborate." A chill ran down my spine as his hot breath brushes across my neck.

"I...d-don't- I mean...T-the people a-are just a-always so mean t-to me. I...I-"

I nearly jump out of my skin when all the blinds on the windows fall, blocking out all daylight, and the door locks. I notice a few slimy, gooey black tentacles make their way back under Mr. Dark's shirt.

My legs begin to quiver as a couple of the tentacles wrap themselves around my ankles and waist. "M-Mr. Dark! W-What are you-"

"Please, ---, you may call me Mephilis. Just relax, perhaps I can make school a bit more...enjoyable."


Well there you have it folks, my very first Xreader ever!

I really hope you enjoyed it and thank you XxShadowTheHedgiexX for being the first to make a request and getting this all started

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I really hope you enjoyed it and thank you XxShadowTheHedgiexX for being the first to make a request and getting this all started.

Sorry it's in your point of view, it's just saying you did this or you did that every five seconds hurts my heart a little. But here, lemme make it up to you. Here's a pup that just can't stop sneezing!

I hope to get more requests soon! Thank you!

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I hope to get more requests soon! Thank you!

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