Mikey X Fox!Reader

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(Alright so this time the request was made by  @-Fleetway-Mephiles- I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and continue to make requests in the future. Remember all Xreaders are written in first person. Also! Just a little FYI I've started up a YouTube channel, and I'd like to make a video dedicated to Oc's and Fc's of your very own, kinda like a thank you to people that read my stories and a way for you to get recognition for all the hard work you guys put into your own stuff. So if you'd like to have a character featured in the video get in contact with me and I'll give you all the details. Thank you and enjoy~) sorry it's so long


I can't remember how I got here, where I come from, or even who I am to be honest. All I know is now and hide. I'm afraid that if I were to leave the cover of this park, I might not be able to make it back. Night after night I hear strange noises and see strange beings. I see metal men with brains for stomachs battling with humanoid green creatures. I've watched from the trees, never passing the gate, I've listened to them speak after the metal men leave. The first time I saw them, I understood little of what they said. Mutagen, Krang, the Shredder. I failed to grasp the meaning behind these words. However, after many moons, I've began to place pieces of this bizarre puzzle together. Krang is the many mettle men. Mutagen is always the source of their squabbles. And the Shredder is the man who wishes the green creatures dead as well as someone they call 'Master Splinter'. 

I've come to call this place home, though the several people whom walk through here day after day call this place Central Park. While sun is awake and the people walk I hide away in my burrow. I fear these people. I see my brethren hung from the slender necks of wealthy women, their gorgeous dark brown eyes and lovely red coats now dark and lifeless. I too would have joined them had a odd glowing ooze not had seeped into my den, I'm puzzled by it's capabilities. I am still fox and yet now I stand like man.

Tonight, yet again, I find myself drawn into the trees near the gates to watch another disagreement between the creatures. By now I have learned their names and position. Oldest and leader is called Leo, skilled with his swords he is calm in the head but is often at odds with second in line, Raph, whom battles with a I only recognize as large forks. He rushes into danger without a second thought and is a bit harsh toward his comrades but does his part to make sure they remain safe. Third and by far most intelligent is called by three names but I'm lead to believe they all refer to the most frequently used, Donnie. He says many funny things, I understand little of what he ever says, but I do understand by the way he acts around a certain redhead woman that he adores her, despite the fact he is rivaled for her affection by another human. The youngest confuses me. They call him Mikey, and he clearly loves them but is often disregarded, often being taken as a joke, yet I've watched him, and while he does play around quite a bit he always gets the job done. Sometimes better than the others had. He plays the fool but fights successfully.

Tonight the krang were in larger groups than normal and were rapidly advancing. Leo had everyone split up in attempt to deplete their numbers. He ran to the roof tops, several metal men trailing behind. Raph made down the streets, Donnie in the opposite direction each being pursued by three. I leaped from my hiding spot in the tree to my burrow as Mikey lead four into the park. I could hear his feet pounding on the ground as he came closer and closer. Just as he rounded the corner in a sharp turn to loose the krang, I reached up taking a firm grasp on his ankle, dragging him down and covering his mouth to silence him as his chasers pass. They stood outside, letting my quick heart force it's way into my throat. Mikey remained frozen, his hands tightening around my wrist. I presume he understood my intentions but didn't change his perspective on my tactics. My lungs began to burn as the air within them became useless, but I could not breathe, not yet. I couldn't let them find us. My head ached at the sudden release of captive air once they left, leaving me to release Mikey and slump to the ground, placing my hand against my unsteady heart.

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