Chapter 6: City of Angels

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If I had one wish, it would be to fly. That was all I could think about as the plane was taking off. I watched from the window as the ground grew farther and farther away. Aubrey was beside me, seeming a little melancholy. I didn't need to be her best friend to know that she was exhausted.

"You should get some sleep," I told her after the flight attendant finished the safety demonstration.

We had five hours on the plane, five hours of exhilaration for me. She nodded, not even looking at me. She popped in her earphones and closed her eyes. That was my signal to stop talking and leave her alone. The atmosphere of the plane was sleepy, but I guess that was only customary no matter what class we were flying.

I pulled out a book that Robert had given me before I left. The memory of our parting stung. I didn't want to remember. I didn't want to see the wounded look in his eyes. I didn't want to even think about him. This trip was about me and Aubrey since this was all the time we had left, but I already knew that Robert would be a constant part of it. When I opened the book, his scent enveloped me, sending me into flood of memories.

"Promise me you'll call every night. And text me everyone once in a while," he said. I smiled wrapped my arms around his neck as he pulled me closer. 

"Can you two keep it to a minimum?" Aubrey joked beside us, "Elizabeth, you're already sitting in his lap! How much closer can you get?"

Robert had laughed, and I had laughed with him. We turned to each other, sharing our all too knowing smile. I didn't want to leave him, but I knew that there wasn't anything that either of us could do about it.

"I'm gonna miss you. So much," he said, squeezing my hand. 

I didn't look at him. I knew that if I looked into his beautiful, blue eyes, I would lose all the will I had to do what I had to. I had to break up with him, and that was it. 

"Robert... There's something that I think we need to do before we leave," I said and took a deep breath. 

"Alright! I'm leaving. I don't think I need to know what you mean, Elizabeth!" Aubrey said. She quickly picked up her things and scrambled out of the chair. Robert and I laughed as we began to understand what she was referring to.

"No, Aubrey! Not like that," I said, barely able to squeeze in the words between my giggles. 

"No, no. It's fine! I think I'm just gonna go grab some Starbucks really quick before we have to board. Plus, I'll give you two some alone time, so have fun with that. But not too much fun! Alright, whatever. I'm leaving, I'm leaving. See you later. Oh, and watch my things while I'm gone!"

We watched her run off before turning back to each other.

"What were you saying?" Robert asked, his Australian accent making me a little more anxious. He was smiling, a joyful expression on his face, and that made me feel even guiltier for what I was about to do. I took another breath and then decided to quickly get it all out before I lost all nerve. 

"Robert, I've been thinking about this a lot ever since Aubrey and I planned this whole trip. To be honest, I think we need to take a break. It's only temporary, and it's really not you at all. I just don't think that I can do this right now. This whole trip? It's about me and Aubrey. It's about me and her spending all the time we have left together, doing crazy things and having the time of our lives. And I can't juggle her and you. I don't think it's fair to you to have your girlfriend not give you any time.

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