Human after all

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When he had first seen her, she wasn't exactly his type. She was tall lanky and..... average, He couldn't really say much about her height being 6'2 himself but she came up to his chin without heels and with them..... he felt so short and average. She had auburn hair that looked like it hadn't been washed in weeks but then again she was a writer and being able to put her hand in the rats nest a top her head and produce a pen or pencil, whatever one could ask for, and produce just that meant to him that she did in fact not care for her hair being all over the place cause she had her own little secrets hidden among it.

He would some times pretend that she could reach up into her hair and pull a jet pack or something from it. Those were the drunk times that he, her and his sisters were together. She was in fact though a friend of Sarah's who did journalism in India and England much like his sister so they had all come so close and he half wondered why his own sister didn't have the magical rats nest hair. He had decided it was just cause she was a special kinda weirdo. What he didn't expect was for her to one day come over to his mum's well he was on holiday from filming and seeing her there at his mum's kitchen table with a blanket wrapped tightly around her shoulders.

He rudely asked who was that even though everyone could hear him including the woman at the table who turned around and weakly smiled at him. The same bright smile had been dimmer and he almost missed cause she had gone into a coughing fit, making his mother and older sister rushed over to help. It was horrific experience to see her like that and to continually hear her wheeze as he had offered to drive her to the emergency room so his mother and sister could sit in the back with her. The waiting room was cold and dreary, not knowing how she was doing, his sister being cross with him for his rudeness, his mother calling the family of their long time friend and saying things like: 'tough cookie'  'refusing that course' but the one he caught that had his heart stop was: 'Cancer is level four love, she is giving up.'

Well he thought over what he just heard, he didn't realize the sobbing that came from his lips. One moment he had his chin resting on his hands being held up by his knees on the gosh awful waiting room chairs that lost its padding and now felt like wooden boards, the next he realized he was sobbing in the most unmanly way. So much so his mother hung up and Sarah had stopped her lecture and were both now trying to calm him down from this fit and once they did his mother had managed to tell him about when their new 'neighbour' moved in after being diagnosed with brain cancer that had taken her most of her hair and the ability to work. So her family wanted her in hospice and wanted all control of her money but Diana wasn't going to have none of it and moved her into her own house where she had been caring for the young woman.

"Her hair is gone? All of it?" Was the only thing he could get himself to ask.

The sad smiles were the only thing he needed to see to get sick to his stomach as he raced across the room to the loo to empty his already empty stomach of stomach acid. The tears still there to pour from his face as he thought over the last time she had seen her. Emma's engagement party a year before. She had her hair in the same crazy do with a pen clearly holding it all up as she laughed with the room in a purple flowy dress and gladiator sandals with a slice of cake in her lap and his two year old niece who was content on fingering the icing and feeding herself.

The auburn hair shined against the sunlight and showed off the highlights and made her olive skin shine beautifully. She was still not his type even after knowing her for the last near ten plus years. Still just as lanky and carefree..... pouty lipped.

How could he ask who she was when he should've known it would be her, who else would be at his mum's house so late? Why didn't he recognize the back of her head even if it was covered in a blanket? She was always cold and covered up. She had cancer and it took her dorky looks and made her look more like her true self. She was beautiful, angelistic. Leaving the room, he seen his sister and mother waiting by a doctor who had told them they could see her but there wasn't much time, she was to weak now and would perish before morning. Words none of the Hiddleston's wanted to hear and a quick text from Sarah to her husband made sure she would be left alone for the night to be by her friends side and another message to their younger sister who was already on her way over and made it to them in time to sit there and talk to (Y/N).

"Ahhh, Tommy. You didn't recognize me without me hair boy?" She asked him, holding the oxygen mask away from her face.

He weakly smiled at her before pushing the mask back on her face.

"With the craziness a top your head? No. I was still waiting for the missing airplane me and Emms used to throw when you weren't looking to fly right back out." He joked.

"She has them. She collected them once when I sneezed and a bunch had fallen out, the awkwardness of her picking them up had the whole room busting up......" She told him, staring off into the distance.

Her hair was her pride and joy. reaching her mid thighs and twisted and turned into a bun that sat on top of her head, she stuffed things in there and didn't see anything wrong when she did so. She had pens, pencils and at one odd time, a tiny stapler she blames on Emma Hiddleston. She knew that people didn't like that she looked like a homeless giant but she didn't care. She got her stories and her height scared people and then to have random things sticking out of her hair made even more people freak out and stay in their own lane. Now it was gone, every strand. Sarah and Emma French braided it and clipped it where it needed to be and buzzed cut her hair off before ended up with patches. She had the hair now in a bag in her closet at home where it will wait to be buried with her so it looks like she has hair as she is lowered into the ground.

"Rose? (Y/N), you okay dear?" Diana called out to her.

Looking around, she seen the main people who were there for her when she go the diagnoses and the guy she had a crush on since meeting him and here they all were with her in this room.

"My hair is gone..... That is usually the sign that you're a goner."

"Only if you let it love." Tom scolded.

She continued to talk as much as she could before they got the hint and started to tell stories to her. About their life or embarrassing stories about what they did as kids and how they missed those days. After each one they made her pinkie promise not to tell a soul about this and each time she put her pinky out there to them. Holding the promise and smiling weakly at them.

By that morning Tom had awoken his mother and sister's as the workers tried to resuscitate their friend but it was no use, she was gone to the better place away from the pain and the hurt. Tom stood above her and crookedly smiled at her, for being shorter than him now on this bed, he didn't like it.

As her wishes were, no one cried if they could help it, they all laughed and told their favourite stories. All doing with her hair or how she complained of being to tall and wanting to cut her legs off to catch down to the hotties as Emma said she called them.

     Rosaleen Amberlee Graceland

     May 10 1980 - Dec 24 2010

      Daughter, Sister, Friend

     Woman with the crazy hair of pens. 

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