Girl Power.

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I will be working on this later. I had ran with this but I am not to happy with it but I am gonna add more to it later.

Tom stood in front of his neighbours, watching his friend, Alex, holding his nose over the sink as he bled from a nose bleed.

Why is he bleeding?

"Because he's a idiot."

"I didn't know that idiocy caused people to just start spontaneously bleeding from the nose."

"I think it's a new phenomenon."

"How? Do I wanna know?" Tom asked, crossing his arms over his chest unfortunately before lifting one hand to his face to cover his nose.

"He called me a girl." (Y/N) stated simply, smile on her face and her own arms across her chest, hip limp to the side.

"But.... You are a girl." Tom stated simply, still covering his nose and looking down at the girl who could kick his ass and he knew it. he had no chance against this 5'6 human time bomb who had taken down her 6'0 brother on multiple occasions before. Even as young children she always had the ability to go soft for his sister.

"Yeah, but I am girl who could kick both your asses with you both actually TRYING to win and  will walk away scrape free." The proudness was obvious on her voice as she leaned on the door from of the kitchen and watched her brother rinse his face down.


"Why did you call her a girl man?" Tom asked once Alex was set and sitting on the front porch pf his friends house.

"She can't play rugby for shit! I called her a girl cause she lost against me and the guys so she is a girl."

"She can kick your ass at everything else! You found ONE thing she isn't good at and she showed you that you're a idiot!" Tom exclaimed, drinking his pop soda.

"Yeah, but it was worth it." Alex chuckled.

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