Maybe there is hope

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  The, dark night sky loomed over the bright lights of Las Anglas. The stars barely poking through the deep black sky. You can see the  moist roads that reflected, red and yellow lights as the cars zoom by. The smell of rain lingered in the cold air. With every  car racing to get home. A man with red hair in a dark hoodie stood at the corner of the streets. He breathed out little puffs of white air. He laid against the pole, feeling the cold sting the warmth of his skin. He sighed, and stared at the stop lights. And, waited to it show he can walk. The next minute the lights changed and allowed him to walk. His head hung low, stared at the road.

The city was alive, but not his mind

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The city was alive, but not his mind. He walked towards the homes were his girlfriend lived. He decided to surprise her and take her out. Considering the terrible day, he had that he wishes to forget. Even at that he wishes to forget the whole month. He stood at the frount door, and knocked. The door was cold. She didn't come. He knocked again, still she didn't. He knew she was home, the lights were on. He grabbed the doorknob to see if it was open,to his surprise it was.
  He opened the door, the light poured from the house. He stepped in, feeling the warm air hit is cold face. He looked around, no sign of her. He walked to her bedroom. To see if she was studying of watching tv. Just, as he was going to inter the door he heard noises.
' It must be the tv right?' He asked him self. As he opens the door he sees her in another guys arms. Kissing! They stopped and turn to him.

"I can explain!" She cried out. Mark ignored her cry, and shook his head in disblief.

"How could you." He said, he watched her freak out.

"Markimoo, please listen. It was just a kiss nothing much." She said. Mark tensed. 'A kiss. Just a KISS!' .

"Yo man, chill. It was nothing, it was not like we were kissing for the past hour." The man who laid next to her. He looked like one of those hippy surfers. She elbowed him.

"Nah, it is okay.....because we are done." He stated, Amy stared at him.

"What?" She asked. He didn't know If it was rhetorical, but at this point he was done.

"I said we are done. I will never see you again." He said, and turned to the door.

"Wait you can't do this to me!" She pleaded, Mark let out a huff.

"I already did." And ran off .

"Well, man he has some sick hair going on!" Amy rolled her eyes. At the drunk surfer dude.

Mark, ran across the streets. Cold water sunk into his shoes, cold air stung his face. His eyes wanting to fall out in a waterfall of tears. He should of known. He should of known, he new she was hanging out with friends and "studying there" probably was just making out with guys. He stopped running and felt his heart sink to the bottom of an ocean. Held held his breath so he couldn't cry. But, he couldn't hold them in. Tears falling like and over flowed bathtub. He leaned against the pole of a street lamp. He slid down, feeling ever piece of this tenable month just pound at his mind.
  All the death, losing people he used to love, and bad luck all around.

"Well, it's the end of you and me." And, he gave up. All of his color just faded away, no point holding on when you have nothing to hold onto.


He laid in bed, thinking...remembering. He laid there, his warm bed felt empty. Only him, no one else. He just laid, there listening to his favorite song that just spoke to him.

The song ended, the void of his heart was still there. How was he going to fill it. He didn't know, and wished he wouldn't care as much as he is. The room was silent once more, only the loud things were Mark's thoughts.


His phone went off. A reminder of that Indie-pop-con, is tomorrow.He could know see his friends. Bob, Wade, Felix, Ken, and Jack. He smiled,"Maybe, there is hope".

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2016 ⏰

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