chapter 3

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Silence stretched out within the car on the ride home from the airport ,there was no noise aside from the audibly uneven pace of Ethan's breathing, and the faint hum of the radio playing "cheap thrills" drowning into the background .His cheeks were tinted red from the intensity of the California Summer sun. Ethan had pulled his head into the crook of my neck and continually kept running his hand over my leg in a way that seemingly relaxed him .Gray was in the drivers seat of my jeep , as Ethan didn't let me sit anywhere but next to him.

Throughout the car ride Ethan kept pulling my face towards his in an attempting to make out with me . I immediately pulled away , resting my head on his shoulder instead , we were both not big on pda so I was completely shocked considering Gray was staring At us through the review mirror .

The second the twins opened their apartment door for the first time in a week we were all welcomed by two familiar faces . Cameron and Lisa's "hey" they said In unison . I immediately walked over to greet them . As I continued talking to Lisa and Cameron with Gray i realized Ethan had left ."why were they in LA and not home in jersey?" ,"why hadn't the twins answered me about the reason they were back from tour ?", " what what caused Ethan to have a panic attack?" , and " what the hell was going on?".

I walked over towards his room to look for him . Just as i was turning to check his bathroom I crashed into his hard chest . " why dont you say hi to cam and your mom ." . He responded by crashing his lips together with mine and pushing me into the bathroom and then up against the cold wall of his bathroom . He immediately attached his lips to my neck and reached for the hem of my shirt and began pulling it over my head . Just as he dropped my shirt he began lifting his own . "Ethan " I whispered breathlessly onto his lips "you family is here , we can't " I said reaching to stop his hand as it hovered over my bra strap . He rolled off of me and pressed himself up against the wall . " I know " I shifted my hand and rested it on his cheek . " what's wrong please don't shut me out just talk to me ." .He didn't respond he just simply reached down and slipped his shirt on and reached back down for my mine . I continued to wait for his response but it came in the emptiness in his eyes as he slipped my shirt over my head letting his fingers brush over my bra . He let his hands rest limply on my tanned stomach , and continued staring longingly In to my eyes , he placed a simple kiss on my temple and then left the bathroom leaving me staring into my own lost reflection .
The second I left the bathroom I was greeted with Cameron's usual sarcastic voice "nice sex hair ."

I immediately scanned the room for Lisa . I let out a sigh of relief seeing she wasn't there .

"I tripped " I mumbled as my cheeks tinged and orange red . "In the bathroom ? , with Ethan ? " Cameron questioned laughing . " shut up " I retorted laughing me and Cameron were fairly close . "Do you know where Ethan went '' i questioned Grayson as he walked into the room.
"Yup " he drawled pointing twirls the living room . " good luck getting through to that one " he mumbled
almost incoherently .

As I walked into the living room my eyes focused on a stretched out Ethan sprawled. Out on the couch as his mom played with his hair coaxing him into confiding in her . My heart warmed at how cute the display in front of me was but the feeling immediately faded with one short look at Ethan's miserable face.

"Lexi " Lisa welcomed . Upon hearing my name Ethan shot up from his position,a though he was embarrassed to be resorting to his mom for comfort .

"Hey " I responded my eyes flickering over to Ethan . He slid over to the opposite side of the couch and motioned for me to sit next to him I did just that , as Lisa called Cameron and Grayson into the room . I took this opportunity to slip Ethan's hand into mine . A subtle, gesture that hopefully Assured him that whatever he was going through i wouldn't let him go through it alone .

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