Thats Pretty Good

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I've been in search of a job for a while now. I'm actually a fairly good photographer, who is currently returning home from a hard day of job searching. I live in New York, I know how cliché. As I walked to me apartment door, I could hear my abnormal neighbor screaming. He's done this stuff for months now, and I'm on the edge. You don't understand how close I am to filing a noise complaint, I know some residents have. Which I respect them for. Yet I'm a bit of a sissy.
I've actually have never seen this "idiot's" face before. As I unlocked my door, I heard another door open. Immediately turning around I was met face to face with a man with messy black hair, and some facial hair to go with it. We made extremely awkward eye contact for a brief moment. Some second passed before he wave and said "um hey". He then awkwardly turn and walked to the elevator. I tried to brush this odd encounter off, but I couldn't help but be hypnotized by his some what sweet face. He wasn't what I expected, which was a plus in my opinion. Yet I still can't imagine a guy like him screaming odd and disturbing language at night.
I then threw myself onto my couch and began to do my secret hobby. It's lame in my opinion, and but I got used to it. Their like leaves painting, I just look up different leafs an shit then use small paint brushes to make it. But it's kinda pointless to people I know. I stop midway to grab a bottle of wine from my kitchen cabinets and downed the thing from the bottle, as I painted tiny little fucking leaves. I assume I would get extremely buzzed, then later on drunk.
I was far into the painting, on these small canvas which makes them a bit more useless. I can't even hang the fuckers up! The hanging hall clock in my kitchen struck midnight when I began to hear music? At first I ignored it, but I started to get into it. Like me dancing around my apartment (into it). I laughed to myself, "it's actually pretty good." I muttered. Taking large gulps from my bottle. It seemed like it went on for hours. It played even when I headed to bed. I laid in bed close to my walls, so I could hear it better. Humming and swinging my hands to the beat, laying there like a drunk music teacher.
Almost drifting to sleep and off to dream land or whatever, I noticed when it went off. So I decided to be the inner child I am and yell out "Nice song!" I quickly regretted it, I was half sleep and now really embarrassed. I don't know why I said it, it's not like the weird loud neighbor fuck was gonna play it again. I laid in silence for a couple of seconds hoping he didn't hear me. Hoping he would ignore it and continue on with his night.
But then I heard in raspy voice, "Thank you." I nearly jumped out my bed. The tone was honestly genuine and a bit comforting.
        "Fuck.." I groaned rolling over and on to my side. I have to a pissed and I was barely stable enough to rush to the bathroom PLUS the semi cute neighbor guy heard me. I hopped up and stumbled over to my toilet, I love the thing. Do you know anyone nice enough to let you piss in it!?
            Once I finished my business I rushed out the bed room and straight into my bed, I wrapped myself in my blankets and began to zone out. Thinking about basic shit like my morning and a film I watched recently, the faint sound of drum beats and piano in the background only became apparent after a bit.
         I sprung up, bobbing my head back and forth to the beat, I was obviously still drunk. Which allowed be to do a little jig in my bed. The music is back! I stumbled around and giggled like a fucking idiot, by myself. I barely slept that night.

I Just Hold the Camera (A Jojixreader) Editing/ Story Complete Where stories live. Discover now