Ramen Run!

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     Returning from my successful ramen run, I got into the elevator and went to my floor. Once the doors open I swiftly made my way to my room. I noticed my neighbors door was open. As I walked by, I saw him on the phone.
        He noticed me and smiled, I smiled back and walk closer to my door. Struggling to get my keys for my pocket with two grocery bags full of ramen was sorta hard. I eventually dropped my keys and a grocery bag, spilling out ramen. "Aw fuck!" I kneeled down and started picking up my things. I quickly realized someone was helping me. The energy of another person freaked me out a bit.
        But once I looked up I saw my neighbors face I began to reclaim my calm mindset. He handed me two ramen packets, I thanked him like a normal person and began to unlock my door. I kept thinking the same thought in the back of my head, I need a job that I started to muttered it.
       "You need a job?" My neighbor asked with a chuckle.
          I quickly turn around and smiled, trying to hide my embarrassment. Talking to yourself in private is normal, but in public is weird as fuck and a tab bit creepy.
         "Yeah, I'm unemployed." I grumbled, looked extremely fidgety.
           "I could help you." He offered.
    "My names Joji, or George by the way" he added. Sticking his hand out for a handshake, and of course I shook the shit out of it.
         "Oh you really don't have to help me or anything." I said, trying to end this conversation as quick as possible. I know it weird to say, but I'm intimidated by attractive men. And this racially ambiguous man is quite handsome in my opinion. " I'm Y/N" I added.
"Well I just really needed a new camera man, or woman." He began
"I do YouTube videos, but I'll totally pay you for it."
My eyes widen, I was flipping out! This is the job for me!
"Oh my gosh, I a photographer I fucking breathe camera!" I exclaimed excitedly. Almost vomiting a bit, from excitement obviously.
"Well isn't this a coincidence, my requirements only say I need someone that "breathes camera."  Joji said with a smiled.
I was full of happiness and energy, I sporadically did a little jig around my apartment door. I even involved Joji in it my spinning him around playfully. He did a quick dip and when I came back up our clothes brushed by, ha our clothes had sex.
             We looked like completely idiot doing little dances in the hallway. I began to chant kidishly "I got a job, cunts!!" I skipped around eagerly looking at my groceries resting against my door.
            "George, I won't let you down!" I expressed swiftly unlocking my door and shoving my groceries in.

I Just Hold the Camera (A Jojixreader) Editing/ Story Complete Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora