Okonomiyaki (BT)

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                         // A week Later//

  "No, I'm not some sort of vegan sjw." I sneered as I swiped the menu from the table.
        "You looked like one." Joji shot back playfully.
        "Go fuck yourself, George!" I remarked blissfully.
         The restaurant we sat in dim lighting didn't help me one bit, as I tired to read the menu. (With bible-like printing)  I glanced up occasionally, in some attempts to see if Joji had any trouble too. We sat in those two seat table arrangements. So we pretty much sat facing each other.
         The traditional Japanese music, oddly sooth by wild amount of anxiety. My eyes quickly met with, what seem to be an platter with vegetables.
         "What are you getting?" Joji asked quietly.
          "Um.. This. I don't know how to pronounce it." I replied as I showed him my menu.
            "Ha, it's お好み焼き." He told me.
I snickered a tad bit,
         "Okonomiyaki." I muttered under my breath.
          Once the waitress took our order and our food arrived, he was convicted he was gonna teach me how to use chopsticks. And yeah, I do know how to use them I just wanted to see him tried.
         "Now hold them like.. This." He said, a little distracted on making sure the way he held it was correct.
          "Like this?" I asked in a clueless tone.
     "Eh, no." He replied, obviously trying not to get frustrated.
         "George, one of my chopsticks just snapped in half.." I tried to say with out laughing.

                        //2 Hours Later//

       "You're couch literally, sucks you into it!"
Joji shouted from my livingroom.
         I laughed quietly inside my bathroom, removing my my mascara. The only thing form of makeup I actually wear. I laugh at the thought of me, a girl with low self esteem barely wears makeup. Eh, it expensive.
        I shimmied back into the livingroom, wearing my "comfort clothes." Which was just a tank top, sweat pants and socks. I plopped down next to him. We rambled on and on about music, and T.V. series.
        "I have to tell you something, really serious." I said in a very stern voice.
       "Yeah, what is it." He replied scrolling through his phone.
        I was originally gonna tell him "I already knew how to use chopsticks." But the fact that he seem invested in his phone gave me, an mischievous urge.
        "I had AIDS." I said emotionlessly.
He strung up, swiftly turning his phone off and looking at me.
      "No.." He muttered.
I then began to rolled on my back, choking on laughter. He let out a large sigh, and start to nervously laugh.
      "You're an asshole." He told me with a playfully tone in his voice.
         "I know."

Woah Author Note: I just wanted to state briefly, I'll probably add cute little situations (like this). Like it will lead farther into the story it is just a little, "break time" (BT)
From the original versions main course.

I Just Hold the Camera (A Jojixreader) Editing/ Story Complete Where stories live. Discover now