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Type: text fluff
Words: 438

Preston: Hey Rob you up?

Rob: no dude I'm sleeping, lol what's up?

Preston: well do you know how you always do the cooking?

Rob: yeahhh???...

Preston: well I tried and well. The sauce burned. Do you have any idea on how I can fix that?

Rob: OMG Preston how do you burn sauce?

Preston: sowy 😔

Rob: aw it's alright. Don't worry tomorrow I will be back home and I'll cook you something nice. How about that 😊

Preston: I would like that robby 😊

Rob: good. I'm still confused on how one burns sauce though

Preston: don't ask. Just don't




Preston: oh just ask I know you want to XD

Rob: you know me better than anybody XD

Preston: I put the sauce in the oven then put it on thirty seconds in the microwave.

Rob:...oh dear you really need me don't you.

Preston: of coarse I do. I miss you

Rob: I miss you to Preston <3

Preston: I'm not used to sleeping in a cold bed with no one beside me.

Rob: well tomorrow I'll fix that for you ;)

Preston: I don't know why the winky face was there but I like where this is going.

Rob: ;);):):)

Preston: now that's just creepy XD

Rob: Haha anyway what time is it at home?

Preston: it's 3 in the morning.


Preston: but rob I wanna talk to you. I miss youuuuuuuu

Rob: but you need sleeeeeeep

Preston: but I can't sleep

Rob: why?

Preston: because I have no one to cuddle with 😭

Rob: but Preston remember what I told you?

Preston: no matter  how far I travel. No matter where I am. I'll always be in your glove


Preston: oopse autocorrect aha

Rob: now where am I?

Preston: you'll always be in my heart...not my glove

Rob: that's right so really. I'm not even far away at all. I'm just cuddling with your heart 😊

Preston: you're cheating on me with my heart?

Rob: Noooooo I wasn't

Preston: wow and near our second anniversary to

Rob: ok fine lemme make a call *calls your heart* it's over between us

Preston: great now you just broke my heart


Preston: nope 😊

Preston: and because you broke my heart you literally killed me because now I have no heart

Rob: awwww how could I

Preston: haha yeah.

Preston: ok now I'm tired. I'm gonna go. Goodnight rob. I love you. Come back safe I always panic 😖

Rob: I'll come back safe for you Preston I promise. Goodnight love you to. See you tomorrow 🤗

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2016 ⏰

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