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"No..I can't." she said whispering still shocked by what had just happened. Katrina didn't know what to feel at this moment. 

Her and Roman has always had a strong relationship and a powerful sex life, but lately, it seemed to be dying down. They loved each other more than themselves but she needed a spark, something new that'll put that spice back in her love. Was this what she's been looking for? Maybe someone to give a little edge to what she's been looking for in her love life? All she could do was sit there and let Seth over power her lips while her head spun with questions and her body reacted in a way she thought she would never feel again. Her knees got weak, her heart pounded and she was turned on fast. She completely felt ashamed she didn't push Seth away and she actually liked it.

"Why not?" Seth asked rubbing her leg up to her thigh.

"I'm married to your best friend!" She half screamed at him. She didn't want to admit to him to do more.

"Roman won't even notice. Come on just come with me." He wash pushing her buttons to where she almost said 'yes'.  All of a sudden there was a car motor getting closer to her house and heard it pull up in the garage. Roman was back from picking up their sick little daughter. She scooted away from Seth, skipped ahead to the movie they was suppose to be watching, and toke a drink to wash her lips from Seth's mouth taste. She grabbed Seth by his shirt collar and threatened him.

"You tell Roman and I will kill you, do you understand me!?" 

"Don't worry baby, no pressure. But when you decide you need to talk," He did the finger quotes "You know where to find me." He winked at her and returned to drink his beer smiling. She just instantly melted the way he talked to her but she kept it all inside.

Roman opened the front door with Cassie slung over his shoulder fast asleep.

"So how was the movies guys?" Roman whispered. 

"Good! The action part was awesome." She paused the movie, trying to sound as casual as possible hoping he won't think they were up to something while he was gone.

"Well, I'm going to put Cassie to bed now. Then we can get ready for bed too," Roman winked at his wife, kissing her cheek. "Sorry I couldn't stay longer to hang out with you Seth."

"Don't worry buddy it's okay," He patted Roman on his free shoulder. "I can always come back tomorrow."

"Actually, I'm going to gym tomorrow, wanna come?" 

"Eh, now that I think of it, I'm going to be busy tomorrow." Seth said wanting to be alone with Katrina again.

"Oh, okay then. Well see you whenever man." Roman laughed then carried his ill daughter upstairs for bed. 

"See you," Seth said "and by Katrina." 

"Bye Seth." Katrina said calmly. When Roman disappeared up stairs, he turned back to her and whispered in her ear, "Anytime you want sweety." giving her a nibble on her earlobe and walked out the front door. 

This was turning her upside down. Why was Seth doing this to her? Making her choose between her loving husband, or his best friend who kept pushing her to have sex with him. She wanted something new but this wasn't what she wanted. She's happy in her marriage and happy with the family she worked so hard for. So why was she wanting to go to Seth's house and make the biggest mistake of her life?

10:30 P.M.

It was time for bed and Katrina was in the shower re-thinking about what Seth did and what more he could have done. She just stood under the soothing warm water barley cleaning her body because everytime she put the scrub to her skin, she only feels Seth's hands caressing her whole body up and down. She gave up, rinsing the remainder of the soap off her and dried off to go to bed. Roman was already cleaned up and in bed she came out the bathroom, wrapped in her towel looking for some clothes.

"Mmm you look good everytime you come out from the bath." He flirted. 

"Oh stop it." She blushed. Maybe if she wrapped up in Roman's arms it would take her mind off Seth.

"So did you get Cassie some soup?" She said changing the subject.

"Yeah, she looks like she has a little fever and she said her tummy hurt." He was a little disappointed. There was one great thing she loved about Roman and it was his love for their daughter. She was lucky to have a husband that cared so much about their child. 

"No school for her tomorrow. When should we take her to the doctor?"

"I'll try and set up an appointment after I come from the gym tomorrow." He sat up in bed waiting for her to cuddle next to him. After she got dressed in her black tank top with kiss lips pajama pants, she slid in bed with Roman and wrapped up in his arms. She tried to erase her memory of Seth as she rubbed Roman's chest and kissed his neck. As she closed her eyes, she emptied out her mind and focused on her always romantic nights before sleep. Roman tugged on her tank top up to her cheek and kissed her. She thought of Seth doing the same thing and pulled away.

"What's wrong?" He asked as he was about to enjoy himself.

"I'm really tired I need to sleep." She lied.

"Okay honey goodnight." He gave her one last kiss on the cheek before turning over on his side.

"Goodnight." She turned the light off from her night stand and tried to sleep. Seth was starting to take over her life.

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