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So what up guys! I'M REAALLYYYY HAPPY !!!! THANKS TO MY FOLLOWERS !!!! I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH ~ So here a few facts about myself ....

* My name is Batrisyia , well I guess some of you doesn't know how to pronounce it so I prefer my other name Nisa.

* I was born on 16 June 2002.

* I'm Malaysian.

* I'm a bit mental , yeseu . Comment if you crazy like me.

* I love to make new friends !

* My favourite colour is baby blue.

* My favourite boy band is EXO , BTS , UP10TION , SVT ETC. Hahahaha.

* I don't have a pet but I would like to have a guinea pig as my pet.

* I'm married to Kai. Sorry guys..

* My fav number number is 100.

* When it comes to food. I'm a bit picky but I don't care as long as it delicious.

* I have a girl crush on Yoojung IOI.

* I'm sick about my siblings , they just so annoying.

* My fav day of the week is Friday, I feel relax on that day.

* I always thinking till it makes me headache and I couldn't sleep.

* I love comparing me and another person and I always feel not confident of myself.

* I'm ugly. (Well , that's a fact too )

* I love snakes so much , they were so adorable.

So , that's all . I guess. Have a nice day !

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