
13 0 1

This Or That ??!

1. Coffee or Tea
Obvly coffee.

2. Dusk or Dawn
Dawn is prettier.

3. Anime or Cartoon
Sorry I choose cartoon.

4. If you have opportunity to go vacation, which one will you go...
London or United States of America
London. I'm british mate, nuh just kidding.

5. Superpower..
Fly or Read minds or Teleport
Read minds is cooler.

6. When you're going somewhere far who you'll bring...
Boyfriend or Bestfriend
Bestfriends cause I love them!

7. Eat or Sleep
Eat. Too much sleep just give me headache.

8. Highschool or Middle school
Highschool maybe.

9. Youtube or Spotify
This was hard.... Youtube maybe.

10. Give love or Receive love
Ermm... receive maybe? Idk

I tag....

VERSACHEN JOONIEBABY- kisshachi kissasians vanillaseokie cosmicbaek minsyeuga yolgurt michonnes

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