New Findings - Chapter One

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Beep. Beep. Beep.

Just another morning, with the same irritable noise coming from your alarm clock. You grunted, moaned, whined, and grumbled while slightly sitting up. Pressing snooze on your alarm was probably the most relieving feeling you could ever experience, but as they say 'ya snooze 'ya lose.

You slumped out of bed turning off that annoying sound, and slowly moping to the bathroom. You flicked the light switch and looked into the mirror rubbing your eyes. You removed your hands from your face, preceding to look at yourself.

"Ughh," you sighed as you weren't impressed by the mess you have to deal with in the morning.

Being a college student, well, it . . . Let's just say it has its ups and downs.

Why did I pick morning classes?

You grabbed your toothbrush and brushed your teeth, washed your face and headed back to your room.

You tried to pick out an outfit, but quickly gave up, "Sweatshirt and sweatpants it is," you muttered.

Makeup was too much effort. You did your hair messily, put on some boots, grabbed your backpack and headed out the door.

While walking down to the local bus stop, you decided to listen to some music. You put your earbuds in, and let tune of the song do its work.

You arrived at the stop, only to wait with estimating about . . . 10 million other people. But, you kept your worries to yourself and continued listening to the music. About 6 songs passed and the bus finally arrived. You stepped on following the other people who were waiting and payed two dollars for the ride. You picked a spot and stood holding onto the stabling pole.

Suddenly, your music stopped, "Damnmit," you mumbled to yourself.

The phone screen went black. It died. Your phone was useless now, so you put it away in your pocket. You waited, and waited, and waited. Boredom filled you.

The bus stopped to pick up more riders. You didn't really pay attention to anyone that got on, but while one of them were walking past something fell off of them.

You bent down to see what it was. It was a pin. A pin that said . . . "LOLOL?" You questioned and picked it up.

It was a darker colored green pin. There was nothing noticeably special about it. You tossed it around in your hand, rubbing the glossy-smooth front of it.

You stood up and looked around to see if any of the passengers might be able to claim it, but there were too many people, at least too many for you. You stuffed the pin into your pocket, leaving it alone.

The same question went about in your mind.

What's LOLOL?

The bus kept moving and finally arrived to your campus.

You stepped into the crowd of people who were trying to get off, you waited your turn until you were finally able to go. You unwantingly spread out from the bunch to go to your first class of the morning. You kept the pin in your pocket, hoping you wouldn't lose it.

Class went by slowly, maybe because today you actually had a question stuck in your mind.

LOLOL . . . Why is it here? Specifically, what is it? And, why am I so curious to find out?

Yoosung Kim X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now