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Gerard's Point Of View

"It's Cainan! Gerard!" Bob screamed. I got up and ran. Frank and Tegan were following right behind me. Tegan checked their room, Frank checked the kitchen and all the bathrooms. I ran outside. Ray, Mikey and Bob were looking everywhere else in the house. Bob had found a note on the table from Cainan. It said "Dear dad, other dad, T, Cupcake Queen, Bob and Moikey, I've done this for a reason. I'm losing my fight. I ate too much food, you guys know that I smoke, I cut. I'm screwed up. I'm sorry. I'm an attention seeker and I don't deserve the attention. Tegan is now an only child, therefore, she can take all the love. I'm sorry that you wasted your time. I'm going now, I've lost too much blood. Goodbye dad, other dad, T, Cupcake Queen, Bob, Moikey and my entire family. Goodbye everybody. Goodbye world." I started sobbing when I read it. I was devastated. Frank found her. I heard him scream and then there was a thud, a thud the severity and noise levels of a leprechaun. I ran back inside and became Sonic as I ran to Frank and Cainan. Everybody else was already there. She was in our bathroom with a note. I remember Tegan and Bob dealing with Frank, as he had hit his head severely. Ray phoned an ambulance and it was there in several minutes. I was worried. Frank was unconscious and had hit his head, Cainan had attempted suicide and smoked, drank and cut. They are some of the most important people I have, along with T and the band.

I was cleaning her blood and vomit, as well as the mess of pills on the floor when the paramedics arrived. They took her away and allowed two people in the ambulance with her. Tegan and I went. Mikey drove everyone else to the hospital. As soon as we got there, they told us to wait in the lobby and we did just that. Everybody except for Mikey was crying. Mikey was over in the corner, facing the wall and mumbling. I got very worried for him but couldn't find the strength to move.


I was off in the corner of the waiting room, mumbling to myself. I was mumbling things such as "If only you had kept an eye on her" and "This is all your fault." I started hyperventilating and I felt an asthma attack coming over me. Apparently Bob noticed and ran to me with my inhaler. I was losing the ability to breathe, let alone use my inhaler. Bob shoved it in my mouth and applied pressure to the metal tube holding the medicinal property that saved my life that morning. After several minutes, my breathing was eased and I could breathe again. I thanked him and he headed back to his seat, leaving my inhaler. We were soon able to see her and as soon as I knew it, I got the room number and ran to her, sobbing and hyperventilating. When I saw her in her hospital bed, I couldn't breathe. That was when I realized I had left my inhaler in the lobby. She woke up to my sobbing and troubled breathing. Nobody else noticed though, seeing as they were still trying to find the room.

Cainan's Point of View.

I slowly woke up and saw Mikey lying on the floor, almost not breathing. Everybody had a spare inhaler of his incase this happened. The nurses kept my spare by my bed, probably because they thought it was mine. I threw it at Mikey causing him to grab it quickly and take a puff quicker than I knew he could. Soon thereafter, he got up and put the inhaler in his pocket and I was being squished by him hugging me as tight as he possibly could. We both smiled. That's when Gerard, Bob and Ray walked in, closely followed by Frank whom had a bandage on his head. Gerard and Frank ran to me, showering me with hugs and kisses, as well as "I love you"s and some tears. That's when I saw ray at the foot of the bed, smiling. "Come here Princess Fro Fro." I said, holding out my arms to be greeted by a tight hug, making it so I was nearly suffocating. I smiled at the guys before I heard Bob ask "Why did you do it?"

A/N: I have been extremely busy with school and shit lately so here's the first chapter in nearly a month! This is only being written because I'm supposed to be doing math homework...

The Adoption Story of Cainan Melody. (An MCR adoption story)Where stories live. Discover now