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Beep....beep.... I switched off the alarm. I got up and went to the  kitchen to make some breakfast. I saw Edward's card on the counter and I just remembered that today is Friday and I'm having dinner with him. I ran my hand through my hair, urg.

I took a shower and dried my hair. I put on a grey pencil skirt and a black see through blouse with a black body vest under and slipped on my new black flats that I bought a few days ago.
I made sure everything was in place. I grabbed what I needed and went to work.

I got to the massive building, I know I have been working here for a while but I still found this building huge. "Morning" I greeted one of my colleagues, her name is Tasha.
"Morning Abby" she replied with a bright smile. I knew almost everyone, but I'm sure I'll know everyone soon enough. I got into the elevator and I had some company. I immediately went to my office when the elevator opened. I sat in my chair and switched on my computer. Camila walked in, she is one of my colleagues too.
"Hey Camila, how are you?" I greeted her.
"I'm good, how are you doin?"
"Fine, what's up"
" There's a meeting in 30 minutes and you have to cover up for Heather, she'll be absent from today until further notice" I couldn't believe what Camila was saying, I've never been in a meeting before
"So what do I have to do in the meeting?"
"Take note of important points and give suggestions" What?! I have to give suggestions. This sounded frightening.
"Sure, thanks" I mumbled.
"Pleasure, good luck Abby and relax, it won't be that scary once you're in the meeting" she could see I was nervous and I really was.
"Thank you, where's the meeting by the way?" I asked just to avoid any inconveniences when the meeting starts.
" 70th floor, in the board room and you should sit where there's a notebook and a pen, that's where you'll be jotting down the points during the meeting"
" Thanks" I really needed all that information. Camila then made her way out.

I should get going. I went to the elevator and dialed in 69... urg I was supposed to dial in 70, but it was too late. I got to floor 69 and when the doors slid open I saw Edward in front of me. He got into the elevator.
"M-morning" I stuttered, I started heating up.
"Morning Ms Daniels" he sounded relaxed, while I was shivering to death.
"Call me Abby" I can't believe I just said that. He looked at me with a smile, a smile that I'll never forget, a smile that I adored. I should stop having these unnecessary thoughts, he's my boss for god sake.

The elevator beeped so I walked out and Edward was behind me. I felt shivers down my spine. We got to the board room and Edward opened the door letting me pass first. The board room was huge, there was a long glass table across the room. I spotted the notebook that Camila told me about and the pen was beside it.
I heard someone else walk in so I turned to look and saw Freddy.
He winked at me and I felt my cheeks heat up. Freddy and Edward greeted each other. I looked at Edward and he looked back at me. I took my seat and more people started to fill up the room. I guess the meeting was about to start. Edward sat opposite me and Freddy sat next to him.

The meeting started and I could still feel Edward's gaze on me and it made me uneasy as I tried not to come in contact with his eyes.
Freddy stood up and he started speaking confidently, I noted down as he spoke. Edward stood up to speak when Freddy finished and he began to hand out files to everyone as he strongly spoke. He's so good looking, he speaks perfectly.

Shoot! I was not noting down when Edward was speaking. I got hypnotised by his gestures. I quickly started writing fast. The people representing the other business also said their part and I noted down what I thought was necessary . I remembered that I also had to suggest. I took a deep breath and stood up. I can do this " Since we get most of our services from Argentina and Brazil, how about we change that"

"How Ms Daniels?" One of the board members asked
"We got offers from China and Russia, take a look at the development and technology in these countries, they are advanced indeed and cheaper so if we get our services from there we'll make a profit. I know Brazil and Argentina are known for providing these kind of services but they depend on countries like China and Russia and we can take this risk for a change" I can't believe I just said all that and I saw that Edward didn't even take his eyes off me even for second. I sat down with shivers all over my body.

"I think that's a good idea Ms Daniels" one of the members mentioned. I nodded at her with a smile.
"A very splendid one indeed, we'll work on it" Edward added still looking at me.

The meeting was finally over, it was not as scary as I thought it would be. People started departing from the room and I followed Freddy while Edward was behind me.

We all went to our respective offices. I looked at my watch and it was almost lunch. I went to a clothing shop to buy a dress for tonight and a pair of heels for a change. I got myself a simple black dress that had a slit from the middle part of my thigh until all the way down to my feet. I fell in love with this dress the moment I saw it.

One of the shop assistants told me that I had beautiful legs(I didn't believe her) and that I should go for 6 inch heels. I had no choice but to buy them because she wouldn't let me leave the store without them. I chose silver ones to match with my clutch bag.

I went back to work after my little shopping spree. I was nervous, what if I fall because I don't know how to walk in heels. I hate this feeling. I then saw a rose with a little card next to it, from who could this be?

Dress code: elegant
I'll pick you up at 8 pm


He's so charming. Urg no, he's my boss and nothing more. I took deep breaths to calm me down.
Immediately when it was time to knock off, I went straight home.


Hey guys. I hope you liked this one. Please don't forget to comment and suggest

Lots of love

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