P - Q

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an old letter, but still in good condition, slipped gently into an envelope. kept in a flower-patterned box (note usage of Sticking Charm) of letters hidden under Queenie Goldstein's bed.

Dear Queenie,

I don't know how to begin this.

How's it at Ilvermony? Do you know how much I miss the hills? You probably do.

I miss being able to see you every day. I wish it were still as easy to just sneak into your common room to talk to you. I still can't believe the Heads of House let me off for doing that for years.

It's exciting here, but lonely. Auror training is tough; I like it though. I'm learning so much every day.

I wish you were here. I wish I could still play Quidditch during my free time. I wish for so many things, Queenie.

I'm so tired. I'm tired every day. It's worse than the exams last year. I just want to sleep for the rest of my life.

the writing has become messier.

I'm sorry, Queenie. I'm just so tired. I promise I'll write more during the weekends; there's less to do then. Stay happy, study well, don't stress yourself. Ignore jerks. I love you, Queenie. I love you.

With love,
yours truly Teenie

the signature is wobbly, and there are stray ink marks across the bottom of the paper.

yours truly,: letters Fantastic Beasts characters could have writtenWhere stories live. Discover now