Q - P

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a battered letter, stuffed clumsily into an envelope. found between the pages of a book on the bottommost section of Porpentina Goldstein's bookshelf.

Dear Teenie,

Ilvermony is boring without you. There's no one here to talk to at night! I seem to be the latest sleeper here.

I hope you're not stressing yourself too much! I haven't, don't worry. You have to relax, Teenie. And collapsing into bed every day isn't relaxing.

I miss you too, Teenie. I miss you so much. I'm handling jerks well by myself. Don't worry about me, concentrate on your training. Make Mama and Papa proud, up there.

You know that old Pukwudgie, William? Well, he caught me alone the other day and said that he hoped I was managing okay without you. I guess everyone knows how close we are!

But, Teenie, please take care of yourself. I won't be there to pack your books and pick you off the common room floor, and I can't spend the night with you on the common room couches, either. Take care of yourself, Teenie. I know you can manage, but if you're too tired take a break. Please, Teenie.

I love you, Teenie. I love you very much.

With love and kisses,
yours truly Queenie

a large heart has been drawn after the signature.

yours truly,: letters Fantastic Beasts characters could have writtenWhere stories live. Discover now