Save Me

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*Jin's POV*

"Jiminie, what do you look forward to most?" "Hmm, I think us returning to the beach hyung, don't you think? I've been staring at the photos you took the last time we went, and I think it'd be nice if we went back." I stopped at the stop light and drummed my fingers on the steering wheel as I patiently waited for the light to change. "Do you think we'll be able to go with it storming like this though? The other must surely be worried." "Ahh it's not a problem hyung, they said we should wait it out. But most important thing is that we get home, before it gets too bad." The ride home fell silent between us until I cleared my throat. "Jimin, I uh...I have something I need to tell you ok?" "What is it hyung? It sounds serious?" "Well....I don't know how to say this...." I gave a soft sad smile as tears formed in the corners of my eyes. "Jin-hyung what's going on? You know you can tell me anything." "I know. Just.....Just promise you won't hate me alright? I don't know what I'd do if you hated me." "What's going on? You're scaring me! I could never ever hate you Jinnie-hyung! Please tell me." "Well...." My shoulders, which had tensed, slightly relaxed as I opened my mouth to tell Jimin what's been on mind until his screaming brought me out of my thoughts. 


I looked only too late to see a huge truck had collided with us, I swerved to avoid it, but the rain was coming down so hard, the roads were very slippery making it harder to keep control of the car. "HOLD ON JIMIN," I shouted as I tried to keep the car balanced but to no avail as we still manage to drive off the bridge. "OH MY GOD HYUNG WE'RE GONNA DROWN! QUICK UNDO YOUR SEATBELT!" Jimin and I tried undoing our seatbelts. Jimin luckily undid his. I could not. "Jiminie it's jammed! I can't get out!" "No, hyung you have to! You'll drown!" Jimin tried undoing my seatbelt for me. Pulling at it. Tugging at it, but alas I was not free. "No....NO! I can't leave you here! No!" The car was now sinking into the water, water pressure slowly entering in from underneath the doors. I looked at Jimin with tears in my eyes. "Jiminie...." "NO! Don't you dare say or even suggest it! You'll live hyung! You'll live! Do you hear me?!?! DO YOU FUCKING HEAR ME?!" Jimin broke into sobs while I softly chuckled at him. "Language young one." "That's really what you want to think about at a time like this?! MY FUCKING LANGUAGE! YOU COULD DIE HYUNG!" Jimin tried desperately to free me from my deathtrap again, but the results were the same. "Help me look around for something to cut it!" Jimin looked in the glove compartment and under the seats for anything sharp that could free me from this seatbelt, while I leaned my head back watching the water now rise to our waist levels, regretting now letting Yoongi take his pocketknife out. "Jimin listen to me, you're free—" "NO! I WILL NOT LEAVE ME DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME SEOKJIN-HYUNG!" Jimin was shaking from his uncontrollable sobs. "You can swim to the surface and save yourself. We both don't have to die." "NO! I—I—I....can't leave you like this....You can't ask this of me." "LISTEN TO ME! Get out of here! Flag someone down and come back and get me okay?!" "Okay....okay you'll be alright?! You promise you'll be alright?!" "I'll be fine now GO!" I yelled at him to urge him to move on. I knew how this was going to end, but I didn't need him to know. The water was already almost to our necks and I could feel a warm liquid running down my backside. The most important thing was that he was going to be okay. My little Jiminie was going to be okay. "Please. If I never ask you to do anything again in life, please do this for your hyung okay? Leave me." "B-b-but I-I-I'll come back for you hyung." "I know you will. Now go." Jimin tried unlocking and opening the door. "It's jammed." "That's why you have to break the windows pabo." Jimin turned back to face me as he nervously laughed. "I'll be back to save the princess." I weakly smiled at his sense of humor and closed my eyes as I could feel my consciousness slowly drifting. "I guess I'll be waiting for my Mario." Jimin put all his strength into trying to kick open the window. After four good tries, he successfully was able to kick out the windshield and swim through. However, even by this time, the water level had already claimed the roof of the car, so Jimin would need to work fast.

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