Fact 76

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Fact 76:

There is a tunnel in Tennessee known to local as The Sensabaugh Tunnel, the place of great evil and it is to be avoided at all costs. The tunnel is a site of various child murders, reports of screams and footprints being heard as well as wailing of a baby.

If one drives into that tunnel and shuts off their engines, the car will not start again and people have reported to have seen phantoms approaching them if they went near along with strange lights rushing them down the length of of the tunnel if they drove in.

Some even say that after driving out of the tunnel, they have discovered baby-sized hand-prints along the sides of their cars.

Let's go exploring! *Armed with salt and holy water* *Spills some holy water on self*

AHHH IT BURNS!!! Damn it, not again... xD

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