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"and, class best assignments go to.."

i crossed my fingers, knowing my name would be called, but i still had to have a little hope in case it wouldn't be called. things like this always had me nervous, because i've always had anxiety, but i know i'm a good student.

"what's this?- joshua dun, for class best!"
my eyes widened and looked around for josh, who was nervously getting out of his seat and making his way to the front of the class. he waved at me while he walked, and almost fell.

he accepted his little ribbon and smiled very nervously, and i could tell he's never done anything like this. he kept his eyes glued to his feet while the teacher explained how he reached his goal with the help of me, and i couldn't help but smile when he looked up at the mention of my name.

after other mentions of class highs and whatnot, my name was finally called. i sighed with relief, since i worked so hard to get to the top. even though i'm not exactly at the top, it felt good to be somewhere near there.
i got up and (tried to) confidently make my way up to the front of the classroom, when gerard tripped me.

no worries, though, i recovered from it and kept walking, making sure i would remember to punch him in the face later.

i took my ribbon and sighed. my heart was racing, and just by standing in front of people, i was ready to throw up.
i sighed as an excuse to take a deep breath, and i was given the opportunity to speak, so...

"uh, wow, i mean... i didn't know i'd get this--" i looked at my ribbon. "whatever this is, but it means a lot. i built my skill by studying with someone, and spending time focusing on other things, also.."
i looked at josh, who was giving me the cute girly finger wave.
"i wanna thank josh-- y'know, 'cause no matter how controlling and difficult i was being, he still wanted to be my pupil." i was starting to sweat. "yeah, that's about it. thank you, josh. thank you, miss kate, and.. yeah."

i swiftly walked back to my seat and sat down, meeting josh's almond eyes. he smiled at me, fiddling with his gauge.
"i love you," he mouthed.
i sighed.
he's never gonna give up.

looking away, i mouthed, "i love you too."

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