Chapter 4: Love and Marriage

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Rewind to last week.

I sat at the foot of my bed, it was my birthday and Nate didn't call. I heard a knock and looked up to Chuck Bass standing at my door.
"So I guess you heard." I said.
"You guys are broken up now?" He asked, I looked at him and nodded. "I guess we are." I didn't cry, I just let it sink in. "Let's go get a drink." He said, I stood and grabbed my bag. His arm around my waist, we went to his bar Victrola. I was sad, and then he looked at me.
"Only if you would go up there and dance." He said, I smiled and looked at him.
"I will." I smirked, he glanced at me.
"No you won't." He said, I winked.
I got up, I got the feathered boa, and wrapped it around, I then moved my hands to the side of the dress and unzipped the marches a floral cocktail dress I was wearing as it fell and the ivory lace and tulle teddy I was wearing showed my dark hair wrapped around my arms and wrists as I danced.  I looked behind my shoulder at Chuck, and he smirked.
As I got down, we went to his limo. I sat and I scooted to him my head on his shoulder his fingers lining mine. I looked up at him staring at me, and we starting kissing, it was so passionate, and it devoured my every being, the top of my head and the bottom of my feet burned with ecstasy my lips felt perfect against his, his hands went to my straps pulling them down, my breasts were hard and ready for him as his fingers circled the bottom of my lacy thong down, my legs wrapped around him as he unbuttoned his pants as he set me on top of his engorged penis, he rocked me as he kissed me, the feeling against him was amazing the most sensational thing I've ever felt besides Nate teasing me. Chuck was amazing he was gentle but at the same time he knew it was my first time, and he loved the fact he could make me realize what I wanted, and as I started to breathe heavily against his lips he knew it started to feel amazing he started to bounce me harder which made me moan loudly against his lips he started to do the exact same thing as he started to love me with his rhythm, as I orgasmed I shook as he put in deeper and kissed me.  His hands on my waist mine around his neck. We just laid there , as we got to my building. I looked at him as I got out of his limo. He watched me go to the door and go into my building. I got in and rested my head against the door. 

"Where have you been?" He asked. I looked over to Nate standing at my bedroom door, I walked to him.
"I went out." I said, he looked at me.
"Look I know we broke up before, but we make sense Adelaide we  belong together it's always been like that, since kindergarten there's always something thats bringing us towards each other, please Adelaide give me one more chance, I love you so much." He said, I had just had sex with Chuck I had lost my virginity to Chuck. I looked at him, and smiled.
"You have to work for it, and you can't sleep here." I said. He smiled, and walked over.
"I'll work for it as long as I have you." He said.
He walked off, and 45 minutes later I got a text from Chuck.

Not even a hour and you're back together with Nathaniel? -Chuck
I looked at it and chuckled.
Is someone jealous? -A
I got a reply, and I stared at it.
No. Just you know better-Chuck.

Fast forward to present week

The wedding bells rung in my mind as I woke up, I looked over at my clock, and I got up to put my hair in a half up half down, I was wearing a backless short dress, with thin straps going to the front, I wore platformed pumps with it, the dress was dark pink floral, and I walked with Nate to the reception area, Chuck stared at me and Nate a look on his face that was pure horrible. Everyone was congratulating him, in which he looked happier, until he looked at Nate smiling at me randomly kissing my head at times. At the reception I stood with Blair, and Serena. "I can't believe you're dating Nate again." She said, I looked at her. "History repeats itself I guess." And she laughed, Nate was with Chuck and I overheard him talking. I walked over to Chuck, and grabbed his arm. He smirked and held my waist. "So you finally realized?" He asked me, I looked at him. "Chuck you disgust me." I said, he looked at me. "Then why haven't you told me to get off of you." He said, I looked at him. And saw Nate I went on his other side as Nate hit his shoulder. We walked to the back rooms and Chuck watched as I kissed him, and he shut the door. Nate watched as the dress fell and I was completely nude underneath and he kissed me, we had sex. And a blast went out.
Well well well, what do we have here Looks like the Virgin Queen isn't as pure as she pretended to be. If Adelaide Percy  lied about that what else might she be lying about? Who's your Daddy, A? Baby Daddy that is? Two guys in one week? Talk about doing the nasty, or should I say being nasty?
Nate's phone was dead, and I read it as I put on my nightie and a blazer I walked out, and got into a cab and went to Blair's penthouse, and got out the elevator to her living room.
"BLAIR!" I yelled, she stood up and Dorota stood wide eyed she'd never seen me this mad.
"Did you tell people I was pregnant? And that I had sex with Chuck?" I asked.
"No I would never do that, why?" She asked. I moaned. "Check gossip girl." I said, and I looked at her. "Serena wouldn't tell Dan." I said. "So who?" She asked, I looked at her. "I'll see you later." I said. I got into the taxi and went to the palace, I walked in and looked at Chuck.
"How could you chuck!" I yelled he was asleep on the bed, I threw a pillow. He sat up and smirked. "Addie, what are you doing here?" He asked he got up. "You sent that blast to gossip girl Chuck!" I screamed, he looked at me.
"You don't understand, Nate doesn't love you, he only loves you because you're parents are helping him with his dad's trial!" He yelled back at me. I looked at him.
"Do you love me Chuck?" I asked, his eyes paced mine it was quiet for a minute. "Chuck! Do you?" I asked, he looked at me. "Define love." He asked. I looked at him.
"You did that you sent the blast because you were jealous I was with Nate." I said, he looked at me. "Really? I'm jealous because you gave yourself to me in the back of my limo, and then went to my best friend a hour later after you broke up with him a hour before." Chuck said, I looked at him. I threw my jacket on the ground and pushed him on the bed. I lifted the nightie up. "Tell me you love me Chuck bass." I rocked my hips against his mid hard erection. He leaned up and kissed my lips. "I love you more than life Adelaide Percy." I kissed above his pubic bone and I lifted the pants down, I steadied myself and with a rocking motion I felt him around me as I loosened for him, and I tightened right before I orgasmed, he flipped me around with my leg up making me feel like he was in control. And we both orgasmed as his come ran down my thigh. I looked at him while I put on the blazer he pressed my back into him. "I love you." He said, I grabbed his hand. "I love you." I repeated.

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