Chapter 6: Black Ops

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The next month was cotillion, and I needed an escort. I was looking at dresses until, arms wrapped around my waist I turned and Chuck was kissing me I was smiling while eyeing a red dress that was strapless but came around the shoulders like a shawl, it was a burgundy red, it was pleated at the bottom a little but flowed beautifully out, I kept looking at it, and Chuck looked at me he turned to it and smiled. "Try it on." He smiled, he gave it to me. "Do you really think it would look good?" I asked, he smiled his forehead hit mine. "You look beautiful in whatever you wear." He smirked looking at me wearing a small grey dress will Manolo boots with a thin heel. "I love you." I said. I closed the curtain and tried it on. "It really was a great dress, I looked (excuse my cockiness) I looked amazing. I walked out I saw Chuck's eyes got big, "You look so amazing." His hands on my hips, I kissed him. I looked around, he smiled as I kept kissing him. "What are you doing?" He laughed. "Just, spicing stuff up a little bit." I smirked, he pushed me inside and closed the curtain, he lifted my on the wall taking his belt off he pushed the dress up as my white lacy thong fell down he put it in and I fell on the wall he was balancing himself I was kissing his neck. "You're so tight." He said in my ear as I grabbed his butt. "Harder bass" as he went with full force as I almost screamed against his shoulder. I bit it and my legs shook, my eyes went into the back of my head and Chuck was kissing my breasts, I lifted his head up to make him look at me. "I love you." He said. "Say it once again," I smiled, I kissed the side of his lips, then his neck, his earlobe as I heard a deep breath escape his mouth. "I love you so much." His deep voice said. I let go of his embrace, and I grabbed my underwear. I took the dress off, "I guess I'll get this one since we broke it in." I said, he grabbed me and kissed my neck, as I giggled. I put my bra back on and he looked at me in my lingerie. And grabbed me, he turned me to the mirror. I looked at my thin curvy body, my breast were medium sized like Serena's, his finger traced ever curve, and kissed my neck. "Nate will never love you as much as I do." And I smiled. And it clicked I was suppose to go to cotillion with Nate, but Blair is probably going now.

The day before cotillion was extremely heinous, I woke up alone I had on a silky white tank and matching silky shorts. I heard the elevator ding while I ran down the steps to Chuck holding a box and pink peonies. I smiled and kissed his cheek, he looked at me. "Open the box" he smiled, I opened it to the burgundy dress. I laughed and kissed him. "I love it." I admired it as he wrapped an arm around my waist with the flowers in his hand. He kissed my cheek. "I love you." He said. I looked at him. "I'll see you tomorrow." I said, he smiled. "You know what stay the night." I said as my hands snaked up his shirt flat and wrapped around the back of his neck. He looked at me, "What do you have in mind?" He said. I kissed his neck, and I held his free hand up the stairs. I closed the door behind him and he put the boxes on the chair, and he grabbed me and put me on the bed.
After half a day of hustling in the bed, we finally decided to get dressed, I put on a grey and white patterned pencil dress with a white button down with a black thin belt with black heels. I walked down the stairs and got Chuck's hand, we are at butter as I looked across the restaurant to Nate and some girl, I smiled at Chuck and grabbed his hand. He looked at me while he was scanning the restaurant, and looked at me. "Nate's in here." He said his face stone. "Come over here." He said. I looked at him, and scooted over his arm wrapped around my neck and he started passionately kissing me, I knew what he was doing. And my fingers wrapped around his and he smiled against my lips. His face went deep into my hair, "I love you more than anything on this earth. Remember that." He said, in those words I found peace, and my hand stroked the inside of his thigh. I looked over and Nate was staring, God knows how long he was staring because his cheeks were tensing hard. And I looked at Chuck his hand in mine. We got up, as Nate and his anonymous date did. She turned and it was Vanessa, a fire grew deep in my belly of destain. I found myself walking over to Nate and Chuck saying my name. He quickly came over and I felt my body hit his, and I looked at him. "It's okay." I smiled. "Vanessa." I said. Chuck's grip got tighter. Nate looked at me, he knew I was jealous and Chuck well was too. "Adelaide." Vanessa awkwardly laughed. "Who are you taking to cotillion?" I asked Nate, he looked at Chuck, and me. "I was gonna take you but since you decided to break up with me while cheating on my best friend." He said, Chuck let go and pointed at Nate. "She broke up with you because you could never satisfy her needs like I did she kept throwing her love at you and you didn't take it. I did." He said. Nate looked at him. "I would've eventually, like I said before you aren't worth anything to her just a dick to ride." Chuck started to get mad and get closer to his face. "You're just a little poor jealous Archibald, you had the queen of the upper east side now you have the trash of Brooklyn, enjoy sloppy seconds." He said. Nate punched him, and Chuck got up. I got a champagne bucket and put some ice in a napkin and put it on his cheek, as my arm wrapped around his waist.  He grabbed my waist and we were walking out and Nate screamed. "I'm taking Blaire" he said. We walked out and I looked at his eye under the skylights. He looked at me examining his face, it wasn't gonna be bruised but it was gonna be Red tonight. I caught him admiring me, "Why are you staring at me?" I asked as I put a piece of hair behind my ear. "Have I ever told you how insanely beautiful you are?" He said. I giggled. "You've might've?" I said,  he kissed me. I kept kissing him, and Arthur pulled up, he smiled against my lips as we looked at the limo Chuck smiled, and gasped. "Saved by the limo." He said. I laughed and got in.
When we got into my penthouse, I took the skirt off as I was just in a white shirt Chuck messing my hair as my fingers grasped in his as he sat me on the bar again, and thrusted in me. He carried me up the stairs as he began to strip and I looked at him and threw my shirt and bra he came over me kissing my neck biting my nipples and going down on me, or pile driving me or me riding him, we fell asleep around 12am and slept until 12, and I got up and looked at my alarm clock. And shot up I grabbed a white satin robe, and tied it around my waist I was suppose to be at the practice at 1:15. I got my clothes out, and Chuck mumbled and his eyes opened. "Love what are you doing?" His morning voice was husky, I looked over at the nude Louboutins, and at him. I grabbed them and took off the robe, I turned on the water and the shower head busted into beads of water I got in as Chuck came and leaned against the sink. I washed my hair and body as  I opened the shower door. "We have practice at 1:15 and we woke up at 12." I said he chuckled at what I looked like. "Well you look like a parliament member." He said. I got back in and washed it off I opened the door and he looked at my naked body. He had the towel out I got out and he wrapped it around me smelling me. He kissed my neck and I closed my eyes he started to kiss my jaw. And I turned around, "I can't right now." I said I kissed him, and he began kissing me all over my face, "Stop" I giggled. He smiled and I sat on my chair I put the towel on my hair and put the robe on I put on mascara and did my eyebrows. I put on a low cut white shirt with skinny jeans with gold zippers on the side my hair was in Serena waves, and Chuck was at the elevator screaming my name I ran down the stair as I was putting on my shoes while I was going towards him. He looked at me and put and hand on my back while I ran to the limo. Chuck got in and i was leaned down with my head on the window, I started to kiss him my hand on his cheek him  my legs on him as he moved his hands down them. The limo stopped and I looked out. I looked at him and in bottomed my pants "what if we're 15 minutes late?" I said. He laughed and kissed me.
15 minute later.
I put back on my pants as Chuck tucked and zipped. I got out and I had sex hair, my lips were raw and neck was forming hickeys.
I looked at myself in the limo window, and Chuck came and moved my hair to one side and kissed my neck. My hair was smoothed out, we held hands and walked in. Lily stood, and looked at us. "Charles, Adelaide you guys are 30 minutes late." She said, she sounded impatient. "We were running late." Chuck's smooth voice said. "Yeah having sex in the back of a limo counts as running late." Chuck looked at me. We walked over and danced.
Afterward Chuck drove me home, and he went home. I went to my bedroom and I put my hair in rollers. I put my dress down, with the nude heels. They had a strap going across the toe. I did my eye makeup and makeup, I put my hair up, and put my dangling earrings on, and my dress I looked in the mirror, and I looked beautiful. "MISS ADELAIDE!" Deena called. I walked down the steps to Chuck in a tux with the same color dress. He smiled, like he was proud. And I hit the bottom step, and he just shook his head. "You are so beautiful, just breath taking." He said. I  cocked my head and twirled the bottom of my gown. "Well thank ya sir I reckon I am." I said in a fake southern accent. He grabbed my waistline and we got into the limo. I kept kissing him, and touching his inner thigh, as I began running my hand over his crotch as he looked at me, and pushed me away. I looked at him, and scooted over to the other side of the limo. I was looking at the building going by, and Chuck looked at me. "Hey.." He said, I rolled my eyes and looked at him. "What." I said. He looked at me confused. "Did I do  something?" He said. "No you didn't just push me away." I said. He laughed. "I don't want to have sex right now and ruin the way you look Adelaide." He said. "Really?" I said sarcastically. He grabbed my hand. "Look at me Adelaide." He said. I paced his eyes. "I love you." He said, and I grabbed his face and kissed him I started breathing heavy. "I'm not wearing any underwear." I said. He chuckled as his belt unbuckled. "At least I won't mess my hair up." I chuckled. He pushed me up and pushed my dress up. He watched me bounce and grind. His head leaned back as he started to come he pushed me up and we kissed, my mouth formed an O, on the side of his lips as he came in me. I got off as he adjusted himself. I looked at him. "Thank you." I said. He kissed me. "No problem." As the limo pulled up, we got out and went to the entrance. We posed and we looked flawless.

The woman stood at the podium, my dad and his boyfriend were there, it was gonna be a surprise that Chuck as my escort. "We have Adelaide Lucille Percy being escorted by Charles Bass" and I walked as Chuck walked beside me. My dads face went into confusion as he asked Lily what happened between me and Nate. "She didn't tell you?" She said, he shook his head and she told him. I walked down to my spot as Chuck looked at me. My dad smiled.
I danced with my dad as he asked me. "So you and Chuck Bass?" He asked. "Yeah..its a surprise isn't it?"  I said. Dad shook his head, and looked at me. "You two belong together, the king and queen. The two richest people on the upper east side. I do have to say I miss Nathaniel." He said. "I miss him sometimes." I said truthfully, I saw him dancing with Blaire laughing, and Nate looked over at me and smiled. Chuck was talking to Serena, and walked towards me. "Hello mr. Percy, can I steal your beautiful daughter for a minute?" He smiled. Dad nodded and looked at me. "Hello." I said as he grabbed my waist. "Come to Europe with me." He said. I looked at him. "When." I laughed, he smiled at me. "Tonight we'll catch the red eye and go." He smiled, I hugged him. He kissed the side of my head. "Never forget how much I love you." He said. As the music faded, as did I; I forgot I was in his arms dancing. My head on his shoulder, His eyes were asleep dancing with me in place. "Let's go home." He said, we went back to the palace, and I took my dress off. We made love until dawn, as the orange and yellow color breaks of line across the sky, I fell asleep in his arms. In the morning he was staring at me. "How long have you been awake?" I asked. "15-20 minutes." He said, "And you've been watching me sleep? Who are you Edward Cullen?" I laughed, I saw a smile form across his face. "You look so peaceful when you're not nagging." He joked, he got over me and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Do you really love me Chuck?" I asked pacing his brown eyes. He smiled and looked to the side, and back at me. "I love you more than I love myself." He said. "I'm glad I'm the reason Chuck Bass quit being selfish." I joked. I rolled out from under him and put on one of his shirts on.
He got up with his satin pajamas, and he came behind me we opened the door, and a Nate Archibald stood at the door. "Nate what are you doing here?" Chuck said.
"I came here to talk."

Always remember what the magnificent Justin Timberlake said "what goes around, goes around, always comes back around."
You know you love me-
Xoxo Gossip Girl.

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