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I held her icy delicate fingers, i finally got to hold her. Just not the way i wanted too

I hate that i can't be there for her day and night. Visiting hours are very short.

Isn't there anything i can do?

If there was, maybe it would have shown by now. But as i can see, she's very weak.

That car accident damaged her good. Now i don't know what to do.

The love of my life. Annabelle.

What would i do without her?

I love her so much. She makes my stomach feel like the 4th of July. Fireworks everywhere.

She makes me smile the minute i hear her voice or even think of her.

"I've always..."

You've always what Anna? Loved me?

I laughed at my joke.

But it hurt to think about it.

One-sided love hurts. Especially when you didn't even have the guts to tell her. Yet she's right here. About to die.

I shook my head.

Negative thoughts won't help/ Think positive.

But how?

Yes, i can say she'll get better, but with a pulse that weak and pale skin turning cold....where ia the hope?

Sometimes i think it's Pandora's fault. Opening that box and unleashing the worst things imaginable.

Yet she brought out hope. Which we wouldn't even need if she just wasn't so damn curious.

Even if she's a myth, i have to blame this on someone else.

Blaming myself is only hurting me more.

"Anna probably thinks I'm a goofball." I chuckled and tears blurred my vision of her pale but beautiful complexion.

I smiled but i'm sure it looked broken.

"Don't go.." I whispered. Footsteps approached me. "Visiting hours are over sir."

I looked at the short nurse in sadness. "Just..five more minutes...please...."

She looked hesitant, but smiled and nodded.

I looked back at Anna. "Don't worry...i'll be back."

I didn't want to go home.

I didn't want to leave her. I always felt that i needed to be there next to her.

After all, her parents never visited her. How come?

Doesn't she have a loving family?

Or..were they fighting again?

"Are your parents fighting still?"


"They are , aren't they?"


"Listen, i just want you to know, i'm here for you. Whenever you need me, i'll be there. "

I squeezed her hand, knowing no response would come.

"I...i was never able to tell you before but..."

I looked at her.


But weak.

"I....I love you."

I kissed her forehead. It would be inappropriate to go for the lips when she wouldn't want it.

As i look at the entrance , waiting for the footsteps to approach, i thought i saw a smile on her face. I turned my head so fast to make sure i wasn't crazy, but there it was. A smile. Which made me smile. And i felt hope.

"Time to go, sir" The lady came back. I nodded. I looked at the smiling Annabelle.


But..why smile yet not wake up?

I frowned but her smiling face warmed my heart. So , with the nurse, we started walking out. As i was thinking of how i was gonna greet my mother in the room upstairs, since she was in the same hospital, the nurse I was previously with came running back to me.

"You're the kid from before right? I'm sorry but..the girl has.."

My heart stopped. The world stopped. I ran as fast as I could to looked at my beloved's monitor, making sure that was the only thing thing that hadn't stopped.

Till the most shocking, most horrifying , and most heart wrenching sound reached my ears.


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